Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Dale Mayer - SEALs

Amazon Page
Man Down Series
Book 1: Jasper
Book 2: Masters
Book 3: Gideon
Book 4: Tristan
Book 5: Guilliam
Terk's Guardians
Book 1: Radar
Robert Dagliesh, AKA Radar, is doing a job for Terk’s team in between working for Bullard or Levi. Levi had said the group was his kind of people or something. What did that mean? Well, he was about to find out.

Savannah “Sammy” had been working with her friend Johnny for months to track a bomb maker. Johnny’s uncle had died in one of the bombs, so it was personal to her friend. So when they get kidnapped…several times…and rescued, life just goes wild.

I enjoyed the storyline and the characters. Looking forward to more in this new series.
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Book 2: Legend

Legend had to protect his younger brother, Larry. Their dad was trying to take over a country, and his enemies would use his brother as leverage. His father never acknowledged Legend as his son publicly, only Larry. That didn’t matter to Legend. Protecting his ten-year-old brother did.

Blair had been Larry’s nanny for a few years now. He was brilliant and often more of an adult than a boy. Now that Larry was in danger, she would do all she could to protect him. She wasn’t alone, though. She had Clary and Legend and Clary’s husband, Brody, as well. Mr. Kartel had many enemies, and their sights were now on Larry.

It is a fast-paced and exciting story with unique characters.

**Sexual content and language
Book 3: Bojan
Terkel has called Bojan to help Bullard…if he could. Bullard’s wife was in trouble, and so was Lacy. He and Lacy have a complicated relationship. It’s better to stay apart, but their hearts and gifts disagree.

Lacy is at Bullard’s compound doing her medical residency. She enjoys it here and feels accepted. Now that Bojan is here and the others have learned she’s “special,” will she still be comfortable?

Their past is not a pretty picture, but sometimes things happen, and nothing can be done. Another exciting adventure in the Terkel’s woo-woo world.

**Mild sexual content and language
Book 4: Langdon
Langdon Morrissey has been in a lousy mood. He lost his leg, and it’s not healing correctly. The prosthetic is only causing more issues. In his sour mood, his girlfriend left, and they both shut each other out telepathically. And now she’s missing.

Molly had wanted to help Langdon but pushed him too hard. And now she’s a prisoner of some maniac who wants to use Langdon’s unique abilities. How would he even know about them? To top it off, wherever they were holding her was preventing her from getting messages through telepathically…to anyone.

Terk’s team is there to help, and Langdon feels even more useless. He needs to find Molly. They left things off badly, and now they may never have a chance to repair it.

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Book 5: Walker

Walker Habernack had a premonition that something was happening in Finland. He wasn’t sure what it was but let Levi know. So, he heads to Finland to meet Calum. Terkel has gone private and has a team. He was thinking of working for Levi, but maybe being around people with his unique abilities would be better.

Ashley has been “in hiding” for the past five years. Her work with the government killed her. She still healed, but not as much. Suddenly, her quiet life changed when a man didn’t show up at her house for healing.

When one of Levi’s team members reports a missing brother, he contacts Terkel since Walker has abilities. They know this mission is vital to returning Kim’s brother to her. And, of course, Walker and Ashley will get a surprise. They thought they were fine independently, but fate had other ideas.

It's fast-paced as they search for the missing brother before it’s too late. Some suspense, action, romance, and a touch of the paranormal make a great story.

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Book 6: Reid

Reid Cocheran got a call from Terk. There’d been a kidnapping, and Reid had a connection to one of the victims. He’d known her in college. With the help of Anders, who was in the area and part of Levi’s team, they headed off to rescue the mother and daughter before they were returned to Russia.

Venialla “Veni” Baronov had been helping her mother in the lab, but not with joy. Her mom pushed her to add her “talents” to her work. Veni hardly knew who she was anymore. Working in the lab was not what made her happy. It was her mom’s place. But then, she had no choice. They were more prisoners than anything. Thus, their escape, only they’d been captured again.

Another fast-paced story as Reid and Anders go to rescue the ladies and then work at not losing them again.

Book 7: Sanders
Book 8: Nate
Book 9: Royal
Book 10: Alex
Shadow Recon
Book 1: Magnus

Magnus Moureaux is sent on a mission to the Arctic through Mason. An international training camp to help unite countries as their militaries practice war games together. Only now, two men are dead, two injured, and two are missing. One of the missing men is Mountain Rodes’ brother, Teegan.

Dr. Sydney Jenkins isn’t sure what’s going on at this camp. But now, her clinic is being targeted as well. Someone is trying to steal drugs. Sydney isn’t sure who she can trust, but after calling Mason, he assures her that Magnus and Mountain are good guys.

More things are happening with no answers. As one thing is solved in this book, others are not. It looks like a thread will continue through the series as it did in the author’s other series. Looking forward to them!

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Book 2: Rogan

Rogan Matlock has returned to the Arctic training center to help figure out what is happening. People are missing, some are dying, and at least one has been murdered. But, unfortunately, now it seems things are being sabotaged as well…like the generator, a much needed piece of equipment in this cold environment.

Lisa Walker was hoping to train while at this camp, but she’s needed for her nursing skills. Seems the previous nurse turned out to be a bad egg. And it’s good to be around Rogan again. He once was her ex-husband’s best friend, but she hadn’t seen him in a long time.

Each story has its romance, but each book’s main storyline and mystery continue. Another well-written, page-turning series.

**Mild Sexual Content


Book 3: Egan

Egan Crosok has just arrived at the Artic military training base to join the Shadow Recon team to figure out what’s happening with the missing and dead men and women from their base and the scientists’ camp. Another man is missing, and the woman who could’ve helped by telling the truth hadn’t. Every time Cherry spoke, they couldn’t believe her.

Berry couldn’t believe her twin sister. She was always negative, but now she’s angry. And Berry finds out that Cherry seems to hate her. Especially after she lets Egan and Magnus know that Cherry may know more than what she’s saying. It gets even worse…but I’ll leave that spoiler alert out of my review.

I enjoy these series where each book is a romance story and may solve one issue, but the main storyline continues in each book.

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Book 4: Barret
Barret Nichols had joined the team in the Arctic to help investigate the deaths and disappearances that have been going on. But, unfortunately, within his first few days, more things are happening, and it’s hard to know what’s an accident and what’s intentional.

Avalon Pritchard decided to help Chef in the kitchen. She missed doing the training she came for, but he needed help…especially after the death of his previous helper. Before long, one man started publicly accusing her of poisoning the food. Avalon hated that; she did no wrong, yet everyone looked at her as if she did.

Each book has its own situation, but an ongoing story is also happening. A missing scientist from a different testing site. Mountain’s brother is still missing. Other unsolved deaths. I’m enjoying this series, with great characters and cute sled dogs.
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Book 5: Whalen
Whalen Brown is part of the team trying to discover what is happening at the training base. The last person he ever expected to see in this frozen world was Crystal—Chrissy, is what she preferred, and he’d lost the right to call her Crystal five years ago. Seeing her is just reminding him of what he lost back then.

Chrissy had joined the military after Whalen took off on her. She wanted to know what called him there, more than staying with her. Chrissy enjoyed her time but was ready to be done and fulfill her dream of opening a bakery. She’d been warned about the shenanigans at this base; she didn’t expect to see any of it.

People are dying, and others are missing. And yet, the team doesn’t seem any closer to discovering what’s happening and catching the perpetrators. It is a fast-paced, complete story with another ongoing story that continues from book to book.

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Book 6: Nikolai

Nikolai Kersaf is shocked to find a man he thought was a friend had died while attacking a woman at the base. Especially since they all thought he was dead after he disappeared one day. And because of his connection to Eric, he was getting the looks of distrust. He was determined to find out what was happening at this base.

Emily Deshawn was a plant from Mason to help find out what was happening at this camp. He thought she’d discover more since all the men had been made. She did want to find out, but she also wanted Nikolai. It was terrible timing for a relationship, but it was what it was.

This series takes place at a military training camp in the Arctic. Things keep happening, but they get more dead bodies than answers. Page-turning romance and adventure that includes adorable sled dogs.

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Book 7: Teegan

Teegan Rode has been missing from the base camp in the Arctic for some time. His brother, Mountain, has been searching nonstop, refusing to believe Teegan was dead. Finally, he was found…alive. Teegan’s memory is gone. He only recognizes his brother. He doesn’t even remember the woman who claims he once proposed to her.

Sandrine had no idea that Teegan was at this camp when she agreed to come and use her skills as a nurse to work with the doctor here. He barely looks like the man she once knew as he’s brought in from the cold.

They thought Teegan would have the answers they needed to find out who’s been behind all the deaths and mischief at the base, but without his memory…they aren’t much further ahead.

Each book has an “ending” as far as the romance, but there is a continuing story on who is behind everything.

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Book 8: Mountain
Mountain Bear Rode finally has his story. He came to the Arctic camp to find his brother, Teegan. He searched daily. In book seven, Teegan is brought alive into the base. Amelia had saved his life, but she was still missing until now.

Dr. Amelia didn’t want to go to the base. She knew there was danger there. Teegan has been scared to return there, but she has no choice, not after being shot twice. And who was the massive man in the clinic there? Every time she woke up, he was there. Ends up it was Mountain, and she learned she could trust him.

As the finale (I think) to this series, so much happens. As the men finally piece together what’s been happening. Who’d been killing or attempting to kill so many at the base, and even Amelia, who wasn’t part of it. Some real shockers in this exciting story.

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Terkel's Team Series
Book 1: Damon's Deal

Damon Wilcox is on Terkel’s “Terk” team. They’ve just been attacked and taken out…mentally. The team consists of special operators, special as in skills and weapons that are in their minds. Terk is at full strength but trying to help the others. Damon is only at half, but he’s more than just his mental skills…he’s a warrior.

Tasha Millwork has been working with the team for about four years. Forty-eight hours ago, right after the government disbanded the team, someone tried to kill her in her bed. Not sure who to trust, she goes with Damon when he comes for her. Now, she’s on a team with Terk and Damon, hoping to find out who’s behind this. She’s a whiz with the computers but doesn’t have the special skills of the eight guys on Terkel’s team.

This is a series that is continued. Damon and Tasha’s romance is complete in this book, but the story continues to find out who is behind the attack and if the other team members can recover. Looking forward to the next story.

**Minor sexual content and language
Book 2: Wade's War

Wade Wilcox has just come out of a coma from an attack on the Terkel’s team. He’s still not fully recovered and has to take it easy at a time that he needs to be full speed. Wade’s shocked to see someone from his past has joined the team. He’d never reconnected with her because his job is dangerous. Seems she has a different idea on that.

Sophia has never met someone like Wade, and now that she has found him, she’s not going to give up easily. She believes he cares for her, and until proven otherwise…he will have to deal with her being around. She’s quickly learning that working on this team isn’t quite the typical job. These men have extraordinary skills.

With Wade awake, they have three men back on the team, but Wade and Damon still tire easily, and Terk is trying to keep tabs on the men still severely hurt and what’s going on. They need more help, but that’s not so easy. For now, the three of them, along with Sophia and Tasha on the computers, they continue the search for who attacked them and why. Awesome new series.

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Book 3: Gage's Goal

Gage is thankful to be awake, but he wishes he were fully healed. His energy is so drained that his leg is giving him issues. However, that doesn’t stop him from going with Terk after Lorelei calls to say she’s in the area…and has been hurt.

Lorelei was concerned after hearing Terk’s team was down…and she hadn’t heard from Gage. She was hoping they could finally get together after their mission. But someone has other plans and hurts that team. And now, it seems they are coming after her as well.

Terkel has a team that has unique skills. Paranormal skills. After being attacked and drained on a psychic field, most were in comas. Slowly, they are coming out and ready to fight again…the best they can with their low energy. As each one comes out of the coma…there seems to be the perfect woman there to greet them. It’s an ongoing story about finding out who is after them.

I am already looking forward to the next story as soon as I finish the current book.

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Book 4: Calum's Contact

Calum Lancashire is out of his coma and back to help the team. But, he found out that staying away from his wife and son to protect them hadn’t worked out so well. The enemy found them and was using them against his team. So, even though the danger is still surrounding them, at least they have each other.

Mariana Lancashire decided she wasn’t going to let Calum hide them away any longer. It didn’t work anyway. She and Little Calum had been kidnapped. Their four-year-old son traumatized.

The team is still fighting some unknown enemy. An enemy that kills off its own men before they can be captured or questioned. This time, former friends from Calum’s past are part of the plot. Anyone to use to get to them. Enjoyable series about Terkel’s team, men who have a little extra that they fight with.

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Book 5: Rick's Road

Rick had confusing dreams. He thought Terk was with him, but then he was alone. He wasn’t though, he was in a strange room, and there was a stranger with him. A nurse. All he wanted was to get back to his team and find out what had happened. And get this woman out of his mind…literally.

Cara’s healing work took a lot out of her. And, when she was done, it left something of herself behind. More so with this case she did for Terk. She’d worked for two weeks and had to go in deep to save Rick.

The team isn’t sure about Cara’s abilities, and it’s like nothing they’d seen before. But she helped Rick, Terk trusted her, and she had a lead to their other two teammates who were lost in the ethers.

This series consists of fast-paced, page-turning stories that don’t leave much time for romance as they fight an unknown enemy who wants them all dead. Unique and enjoyable.

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Book 6: Scott's Summit

Scott Little is surprised to see someone from his past when he starts waking up from his coma. They had left things poorly in the past, and he wanted everything to stay there. But here she is. And, from what he’s learned has been happening with his team, once someone is associated with them—they are in danger too.

Naira had come to England as soon as Terk contacted her that Scott was in a bad way. But he would be okay now and didn’t seem to want her around. He didn’t seem to want to give any second chances. So once she becomes a target from some unseen enemy…she has no choice but to stay.

Exciting, page-turning stories. Looking forward to the last few books as Terk’s own story has been hinted at on a situation happening back in Texas.

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Book 7: Brody's Beast 

Brody is the last one to wake up from Terkel’s team after the attack that put them in comas, and they struggled to get their unique skills back once they woke up. Once awake, Brody was ready to go. But unfortunately, he didn’t realize how much of his energy was coming from the annoying woman in his head.

Clary, twin sister to Cara from Rick’s Road, was hired by Terk to help Brody. He was lost in the ethers and wasn’t easy to find and get out. Like her sister, she had to go deep…creating a bond between her and the stubborn man.

The battle comes to a climax in this book, but it’s not over. As in every book, they cut one head off and another appears. The next leg of this battle is waiting for him in Texas, so that’s where he’s returning. Hopefully, to end this and figure out who the woman in Levi and Ice’s compound is and if she’s carrying his child.

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Book 8: Terkel's Twist

Terkel “Terk” Armand has finally made it through all their attacks in England to get back to Levi and Ice’s compound in Texas. He’s finally able to meet the woman carrying his child. They’d never met, but he knew he was the father, no doubt about it. One thing with Terk’s abilities was that he was never wrong. Never.

Celia, aka Dr. Philly Waterball, was hoping that something from her memory of the time she’d been kidnapped would return when she met Terk. He was so sure he was the father that she hoped answers would finally come. But she didn’t recognize him. Although, something in her did pull her towards him.

I enjoyed reading this and spending time with familiar characters at the Texas compound. Terkel is a unique character, and it was nice for him to have his happy ending.

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Book 9: Terk's Triumph

Charles, a longtime friend and helper to all connected with Levi and Ice, also MI6, has found the perfect place for Terkel’s team—a castle. Charles enlisted Emmeline, a longtime friend and widow to his best friend Dean, to help Terkel get the place in order. Old properties like this need a lot of work and help. And maybe, having Emmeline nearby is something Charles won’t mind either.

With the whole team at the castle in England, along with Merk, Levi, and a few others to help set up security, an armory, and everything needed to run a security operation—and keep those inside secure—Terk is doing this, starting their security business. Not to forget that he’s in a new relationship and will soon be the father of twin boys. Fun times.

This ends the story of the team’s struggles after their attack, but I’m hoping there will be more books with Terkel and his team.


The K9 Files Series
Book 1: Ethan
Ethan Nebberly has always been somewhat of a loner, but since he's been out of the military...he's even more so. It's been tough. He'd lost his K9 partner...and his leg. When Badger asks him to help hunt down some former War Dogs, Ethan takes on the job. He soon finds something to look forward to again.

Cinnamon “Cinn” Michelson loves helping dogs. So much so, she helps find dogs home that are from some of the foreign countries. When a new guy comes to town and finds an injured shepherd, she wants to make sure the dog is well taken care of. Not in the hands of some drifter who can't even take care of himself.

War Dogs aren't your average pets. They've been trained as soldiers. In the wrong hands...they are a dangerous weapon. Add abuse to these beautiful creatures and Ethan has his hands full. Great story. Loved reading about the dogs. Looks like this is going to be another page-turning series.
**Sensual content and language
 Book 2: Pierce
Pierce Carlton was at loose ends, so when Titanium Corp had a job for some of the guys who worked the K9 unit, he accepted. A War Dog, Salem, had fallen through the cracks when her owner ended up not being able to take care of her. She needed to be checked up on. Sounded simple enough, but nothing is ever simple.

Hedi liked being a deputy, sadly she was the only one on their small force who took her job seriously. And the sheriff...she had no respect for the man who was her boss. And the more she found out about him while helping the stranger in town...the more she disliked him.

Badger's men (SEALs of Steel Series) have started Titanium Corp. After being asked to follow up on War Dogs, they look for fellow military brothers to take up the baton and help them search. Really good series and this book was really good. A real page-turner and heartstrings puller.
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Book 3: Zane
Zane Carmichael is at loose ends after leaving the military...not by choice. Medical discharge. When Badger, from Titanium Corp, offers him a chance to go back home to do a welfare check on a War Dog...his answer is no. Which only has Badger pushing to get him back there and deal with his past.

Holly Carmichael has always loved Zane. Even though she ended up married to his kid brother. But now, she's a widow and Zane is back in town. This may be her last chance to get him to stay.

Katch, the War Dog, is being hunted and Zane, with Holly's help, are doing all they can to keep him safe. I'm really enjoying this series. Unique dogs who've done incredible work saving humans...and just like so many human veterans...these dogs are also at loose ends when coming home.
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Book 4: Blaze
Blaze Bingham knew it was time to go home. He just needed that final shove. He only had his dad now, it was time. When Jager told him about a K9 in the area he was from, it was what he needed. To go home with a purpose...to find Solo.

Camilla Channing had an events business. Charity events, dog show events, any kind of events is what she loved. But one thing she hated...wedding events. She'd only done one and should've learned from that. But no, here she is doing a second wedding for another friend. It was bad enough pleasing the bride...but then someone had to go and cause trouble.

A dog. A ruined wheel on a car. A soldier returning home after being gone too long. And somebody out to get someone for some unknown reason. Put them together for a great story and hopefully a happy-ever-after for man, woman, and dog.
**Sexual content
 Book 5: Lucas
Lucas Scott has been injured and is now out of the navy. When he gets a call from Titanium Corp about checking on a missing War Dog named Top Hat, he jumps on the mission. After all, it's in Canada so he can visit his sister and her family, and maybe he can tie up the loose ends with his ex-fiancée so he can move on.

Tanya Nolan's life has gone down the crapper since she broke up with Lucas. One of her roommates was murdered; the other is in a coma after a hit and run. She was alone...lonely. When her friend Meg, Lucas's sister, mentions Lucas is there, Tanya decides it's time to face him and get the past settled.

When Lucas agrees to take Tanya on a road trip to get Top Hat, they have no idea of what they are in for. Their search leads them onto a dark trail and danger that neither ever expected. I really enjoy these K9 stories.
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Book 6: Parker
Parker Cutter is heading to Iraq after his brother was killed, along with his crew. While there, the Titanium Corp has asked him to search for a missing War Dog. Samson. Since his brother's best friend was killed in the same incident, his friend's sister, Sandy, flew with Parker to the base. It was supposed to be easy. Fly in, stay for a service, fly home with the bodies. Look for Samson when he could. Nothing is ever that easy...

Sandy Bressard, a nurse in the military...stateside. She'd heard about Parker from her brother. Knew he was a good guy. She was glad she wasn't alone on this journey that she felt she had to make. Ends up, she's really glad she has Parker at her side.

Both Parker and Sandy will be ending their military service in the next few weeks. Their brothers' deaths helped decide that for both of them. What they didn't expect was what trouble they accidentally fell into when searching for a lost dog. Another page-turning adventure from beginning to end.
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Book 7: Carter

Carter Batterbridge has been working with Titanium Corp, helping with building houses for vets. When asked if he wanted to head to Montana to find a K9 War Dog that went missing, he goes. He's been avoiding his best friend for long enough. Gordon is a rancher and Carter has spent a lot of time there since his teens.

Hailey Wallerton, Gordon's younger sister, and Carter have always fought like cats and dogs. Hailey had a childhood crush on Carter but now she was all grown up and a partner in a financial firm.

When Carter hits town, murder and mayhem seemed to follow. He had a dog to find, but also friends to protect. Page-turning story of romance and danger. I really enjoy the K9 Files.
**Sensual content language
Book 8: Weston
Weston Thurlow has enjoyed working for Titanium Corp but is ready for more. So, he accepted the mission to go and find one of the missing War Dogs. Shambhala. In Alaska. It seems he had a connection in Alaska...a daughter. The adoptive mom wanted him to meet her, and it appeared now would be a good time.

Daniela Rogers loved little Sari. After her husband got sick...then died, Sari was all she had. And yet, Daniela felt so strongly about the birth father having a place in her daughter's life. The only fear she had would be if he would try to take her away...after all, he'd never signed the papers to give her up.

This series is always page-turning, action-packed, with a side of romance. Wonderful characters and dogs.
**Sexual content and language
 Book 9: Greyson

Greyson Morgenstein is at loose ends. He's been volunteering with Titanium Corp. Working on houses and such. When an opportunity comes up to find a War Dog that went missing... He accepts. After all, it's in Hawaii and his grandparents live there.

 Jessica has been on edge since a bender fender that came with a warning. Add to that, three months ago her ex who wanted nothing to do with having a child...suddenly wants full custody. And...a dog has been hanging around since the day of the bender fender.

 What was supposed to be a simple mission turns into much more. Kona was the mission for Greyson, but he can't leave Jessica and her toddler son, Danny, unprotected while she's being stalked. I really enjoy the K9 stories. There is usually a small sexual part at the end, but otherwise no other sexual situation.

**Sexual content

 Book 10: RowanRowan Burlow is sent to California to get a K9 War Dog he had been working with in Iraq before being injured and sent home. Hershey had been adopted but after a fire went through the area, the dog had run off...or died...and the family had moved away.

 Brandi Malcolm's life had changed so much in the past six weeks. She'd been at a conference overseas when the fire came through...killing her grandmother. And her dog, Lacey, was missing. Every chance she had, she went in search of Lacey. She knew her grandmother was gone...she could hope one part of her life was still out there.

 Rowan and Brandi meet in their search for their dogs. But it seems there is more danger out there. And Rowan won't be heading back to New Mexico, to his job at Titanium Corp, until he knows she's safe. I really enjoy the K9 books.

**Sexual content and language

Book 11: Caleb

Caleb Dansworth has been working at Titanium Corp. Seeing how much his body could function since his injuries while serving the country. When he's asked to find one of the missing War Dogs, he agrees. After all, he has a wedding to attend back in Texas...whether he wants to or not.

 Laysha Arkansas is thrilled to have Caleb back and staying with her. They were so close growing up, and it wasn't until he was out of her reach that she realized how much he meant to her. Maybe now that he's here, he can put the past behind him and they can have a future.

 A very bad man has Beowolf. An evil man. Getting the dog back and not being caught will be risky. And in this small border town, there are eyes and ears everywhere that go right back to the man they all fear. Caleb definitely has his work cut out for him on this mission. I really enjoyed the story-line.

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Book 12: Kurt

Kurt Manchester left Kentucky right after high school and never planned to return...until he finds out there is a War Dog that needs to be rescued. The navy had changed Kurt, but not everyone believes people can change. In Kurt's case, the detective that knew him as the troublesome teen he was. Kurt finds more than just Sabine, the dog, when he returns.

 Laurie Ann has lived her dreams in the past thirteen years. It wasn't easy, but she made it. She has a son she loves and she made it through medical school and has a pediatrician practice. She's surprised and shaken to see the one man she thought she'd never see again. The one man who can change life as she knows it.

 Loved the story-line! Wonderful characters. I don't want to write a spoiler alert, so I'll just say it was excellent!

**Sexual content and language

Book 13: Tucker
Book 14: Harley

Harley Bertrum was working for Badger when he was offered the volunteer job of checking on a War Dog, Bowser. He’d be heading back to Montana. A place he left twelve years ago and never looked back. Well, his mind went there often thinking about the girl he left behind. So yes, he jumped at the chance to help the dog and to see Jasmine.

Jasmine Willoughby’s life hadn’t been easy. She’d gone a bit wild after Harley left. He’d been a foster child, but her parents only took him in for the money. He wasn’t treated well. Neither was she. Her life changed after he left in so many ways. And now that he’s back in town…all heck is breaking loose.

I enjoy the K9 series. Romance, danger, with an added dose of dogs.

**Sexual content and language

Book 15: Kyron

Kyron Edgewater is uncertain where life is taking him. His parents more or less wrote him off for joining the navy and getting injured. So when Badger asks him to go to Aspen, where he’s from, to look for a War Dog, he agrees. But, unexpectantly, he finds more than Beth, the dog.

Miranda Galloway is over her head. She can’t say no to any animal, but her home and acreage space is filling up. And her neighbor isn’t helping matters. The older man is always crabbing at her or calling the police on her critters. And then, he takes it a step too far.

Kyron doesn’t plan on staying in the area, but when he meets Miranda and sees she’s in trouble, he has to help her. And she helps him to see what a gift his beloved grandfather had left him…a home. He hadn’t even been to it in the ten years since his grandpa passed. Maybe, with the help of this remarkable woman, he can find a home and a purpose after all.

**Sexual content and language

Book 16: Jenner

Jenner Morrison has been helping Kat test some prosthetics, but he’s bored. Healing from injuries, he’s at loose ends. So when Badger offers him a chance to go to Kentucky to search for Sisco, a War Dog, Jenner grabs the chance. Even though his ex-wife is in the area, Kat, Badger’s wife, thought maybe he could deal with his past while there.

Kellie Spalding runs a B&B outside of town. When her new arrival comes in, life turns a bit more exciting. Missing dogs, squatters, attacks, and having to face a sheriff she’s not very fond of keeps her going.

I always enjoy these K9 stories. Once again, I wasn’t disappointed in this story. It may even be my favorite so far because of some added events.

**Mild sexual content

Book 17: Rhys

Rhys Gorman, a friend of Jager’s, has been living at his parents’ home since he lost a leg and recovering. It’s not been a good place for him. So when Badger offers him the opportunity to check on how a War Dog is doing and maybe give the person who has him some training—it seems like a great time to get out there on his own again.

Taylor Moore has more to deal with than her missing leg. She has PTSD, and someone is trying to make her more anxious. Taylor believes it’s someone she was in the military with, someone from her past. She’s uncertain when Rhys shows up but quickly changes her mind when she realizes how much he can help her. Not only with whoever is tormenting her but also with her health challenges.

I enjoy these stories about finding the War Dogs and the injured warriors finding love.

**Sexual content and language

Book 18: Landon
Landon took on the job of finding Chica, a lost War Dog, in New York. But, unfortunately, he ends up having a lot more to deal with. A bully who enjoys hurting animals and people has Landon racing to rescue Chica before the bully can find her.

Sabrina is a nurse who helps at a vet clinic where her best friend works. She runs into a man that stirs her interest for the first time since an abusive ex-boyfriend several years ago.
Another exciting K9 adventure. I enjoy this series. Every story is a page-turner. Looking forward to the next one already.
**Sexual content language
Book 19: Harper

Harper Snowden was jealous. His brother, Landon, had taken on the job of finding a War Dog when Harper had to turn Badger down. Not only did Landon find the dog, but he also found love. Harper didn’t feel that he could ever find love with the way his body was. So, when his surgeries were delayed, he took a chance on asking Badger if he could have a turn at finding a dog. And maybe deep down, he was hoping he’d get the girl, too.

Saffron owned a unique clinic that helped animals. Including prosthetics for horses and other animals to support their quality of life. And it hurt her if she couldn’t help them. Like the War Dog they’d received that had bonded with another dog who wasn’t with him.

Just as Saffron was about to search for the female dog, Harper came to check on the male. They’d named them Beast and Beauty. And he set out to find Beauty so the dogs could heal together. Easier said than done.

A page-turning, tear-dropping story that I couldn’t put down until the end.

**Mild sexual content and language

Book 20: Kascius

Kascius hasn’t been home to Scotland in a long time. He worked for Titanium Corp after being injured and out of the military. So when Badger asks him to go to Scotland to find a lost War Dog, he realizes it’s time. He wants to see Liam and Emily, his brother, and his wife. And even his mom, who doesn’t know him anymore. This trip turns into much more than he could ever imagine.

Ainsley works as a home nurse. So when Kascius’s family asks that she take over his mother’s care, she does. Never expecting to see Kascius again. But here he is. She soon finds all her feelings for him are still there, but she ruined any chance to reconcile five years ago—or did she?

I loved this story. It has several other stories that all come together in the end. Beam, the War Dog, and the family that had him and where he ends up. Angus, the youngest and very spoiled brother, and the lies he’s spread. And more. A real page-turner!

**Mild sexual content and language

Book 21: Declan
Declan Kantor is asked to check on a War Dog about three hours away. He arrives at an unexpected scene and to a woman who needs help beyond him just checking on the dog. So, as a protector, Declan stays to help her.

Carly Simpson hasn’t found any place to call home. Her parents were murdered six years ago, and it’s still unsolved. And now, she’s been having unwelcome visitors leaving “gifts” and breaking in. After being alone for so long, she welcomes the handsome man willing to protect her.

I always enjoy this series, and this book didn’t disappoint.

**Mild sexual content and language
Book 22: Bauer
Bauer Armstrong kept turning down offers to work on the War Dog files for Badger. When a hurt War Dog case comes up at the local veterinarian, he finally agrees to help. When Bauer gets there and finds out the injured dog was stolen…he’s in for sure. Before he knows it, danger is mixed in, and it’s more than Toby, the War Dog, that he wants to protect.

Magrit “Mags” Wilden has left relationships in her past. One big hurt has colored her life since. Instead, she throws all her time and energy in to helping animals. Toby has grabbed her heart, and she wants to get him back and healing.

They are working towards the same end, but both have past hurts. Helping Toby and protecting him from the danger he’s in pulls Bauer and Mags together. This trial may even give them hope for leaving the past behind.

**Mild sexual content and language
Book 23: Delta
Delta Granger has had Kat working on his prosthetic. He’d told her he would work on a K9 file if they got more in…so when Kat called, he went. Delta looked forward to meeting Rebecca after talking with her on the phone. When he arrives at the facility to meet Rebecca and figure out what happened to Gracie the War Dog, he discovers Rebecca is missing.

Rebecca Postal had no idea why or by whom she’d been kidnapped. She was just glad to have Gracie with her. She’d been looking forward to meeting Delta but was afraid he would take Gracie away. Now that her life was in jeopardy, that was on the back burner.

It is a fast-paced story filled with danger for the War Dog and the humans. I enjoy this series.

**Mild sexual content and language
Book 24: Conall
Conall Burke has been sent to a small town to find Bacchus, a War Dog. A veteran named Michael had him, but they lost track of the dog when his nephew moved in.
Bethany Wittaker is a veterinarian in town, and the dog was last seen in her care. Yet, the story seems much different than she was led to believe.

I enjoyed this story even though it goes much deeper than finding Bacchus. Bullies in town, secrets and lies, and much more in this dying town make it harder for Conall to find the truth. Also, he’s not about to leave town until justice is served.

**Mild sexual content and language
Book 25: Baron
Book 26: Walton
Book 27: Cage
Bullard's Battle Series
Book 1: Ryland's Reach

Ryland Roscoe had traveled to Texas with his boss and friend, Bullard. Garret was along too. They had been to Levi and Ice’s compound for a few days and were headed out to pick up their team in Australia and head back to Africa. They didn’t make it.

 Tabi Sutherland rescued two men from the ocean. For her good deed...things seemed to go sideways for her. But, Ryland helped her get back home to Perth, and she was going to finish her vacation. Only, it seemed she was in danger now.

 This new series takes place with Bullard’s team. I loved this first book and looking forward to the rest in this series. Some unique things were going on, but...no spoil alerts here.

**Sexual content and language

Book 2: Cain's Cross

Cain Bestrow and Eton head to Sicily to check out where one of the men had attacked them. A now dead man. After the plane was tampered with Ryland, Garret, and Bullard crashed. Bullard was still missing. And one of the gunmen had said Cain was next. Well, Cain wasn't going to sit around and wait for death.

 Petra Mirkonoc's life was not good. The town she lived in was dying...full of thugs. Her sister has been missing for eighteen months, the same time that her father was in an accident and now just lived halfway between recovery and permanently gone in his mind.

 Cain and Eton came to town to find out more about Chico, one of the dead men. They are finding out plenty. And, Cain is finding out that he keeps getting pulled toward Petra. Especially as he feels the need to protect her.

**Sensual content and language

Book 3: Eton's Escape

Eton Duram and Garret, who was finally recovered from the plane crash, head to Switzerland as they continue searching for the person who had put a hit list out on Bullard and the men around them. And as usual, they are dogged each step of the way...leaving bodies and more questions behind them.

 Sammy Hedrick is an architect, like her famous father. Only right now, her father isn’t doing well. But she’s going to be there to care for him and enjoy every moment they have together. What she didn’t expect was how a slashed tire would change her life.

 Another fast-paced story as the continued search goes on. The people they are searching for are ruthless. The pawns that think they are valuable and getting paid well don’t realize until it’s too late that they were just extra baggage to be taken out when they’ve done their job...or failed at it. Each story is stand-alone and yet, connected as they search for Bullard...or his body.

**Sensual content and language

Book 4: Garret's Gambit

Garret Balderson had just finished a mission with Eton. No sooner had he got off the plane...that he was met by Kano and heading off again. His brother, Gregg, was missing. Even though he hadn’t seen Gregg since he’d caught him with his ex-fiancée, it was still his brother. Looked like it was time to face the past...if they found Gregg alive.

Astra had been in love with Garret since the moment her sister, Amy, came home with him. And then, after what Amy did to him...she figured he’d never want anything to do with her. But for now, they were together in London to find his missing brother, and Amy had gone missing too.

These are stand-alone stories, but book one had a plane crash with Garret, Ryland, and Bullard. Bullard is still missing, and it’s not known if he’s dead or alive. This carries through each book, even if it’s not mentioned often.

**Mild sexual content and language
Book 5: Kano's Keep

Kano Stavros is heading to Paris, not somewhere he wants to be...or near the black widow he has to go there for. Seven years ago, he left a woman he cared for because she was too blind to see how evil her mother was. DeeDee cared for no one but herself, and she hated Kano for even trying to open Catherine’s eyes to the truth.

Dr. Catherine Sutherland had grown up. Finally. She became a child psychologist and loved helping people. The opposite of her mother, who she had finally realized and accepted who she really was. When she heard Kano was in town, something buried deep came back to the surface. Maybe she could finally see that he was only trying to help her back them, too.

While Kano and Fallon were in Paris to find out if DeeDee, head of Kingdom Securities, had anything to do with Bullard’s plane being blown out of the air, they have to watch their backs. They just didn’t seem to be finding answers to what happened. Instead, more men were gunning for them. A fast-paced, page-turning series as Bullard’s men search for answers and keep up hope that Bullard is still alive.

**Mild sexual content language

Book 6: Falon's Flaw

Fallon Carter has returned home to Bullard’s compound. He finds Dave, Bullard’s friend who cooks and keeps things running, and Dave’s niece, Linny. Fallon has always had to try to keep his control around Linny. She’s so beautiful, but being with her would mess up his “family” here. So when Dave has to leave for a few days, it falls to Fallon and Quinn to keep an eye on Linny. Not easy since all heck breaks out.

Lindsey “Linny” is taking a break from her studies in New York to visit her uncle. She has a few more months, and she’ll be a surgeon. Now that she’s here, she’s decided not to leave Fallon again without finding out if he’s ready to face the truth. That they both care about each other, only, they have to find out about a stalker who’s after her and if he is connected to anything to do with Bullard’s accident.

Bullard is still missing. No idea if he’s alive or dead…although the hope of finding him alive is dwindling, even if no one will say it out loud. Someone seems to be ahead of the team on every step. They need a break…and soon. I’m enjoying this series and looking forward to each book to see what’s happened to Bullard.

**Sexual content and language

Book 7: Quinn's Quest

Quinn Santor and Ryland go in search of Bullard’s niece. Intel had given them an address, leading them to her. Seemed to be another dead end. Or so they thought until they found out more about the man who lived there…Izzie’s ex-boyfriend.

Isabella “Izzie” had a year to recover from her time with Dracon. No longer a victim, she was stronger now. And hopefully wiser, too. It was good to see the men who worked for her uncle, but sad to find out he might be dead. She hadn’t left things good with him and had a lot of guilt over it.

This fast-paced action story has them getting closer to the man who has been trying to kill off Bullard’s team…and who had arranged for the plane carrying Bullard to blow up. So close, but yet too far. Looking forward to the next book in this series!

**Sexual content and language

Book 8: Bullard's Beauty

Bullard’s brain and body were both broken. Had been for a while now. But, after what must have been months, pieces of his life were slowly falling into place. He was on an island with a beautiful woman who’d been taking care of him. Now, he was finally getting some strength back and stronger memories. He was alive.

Leia had left the real world five years ago. Then, she’d been fine with her piece of the island. Enjoying the peace and calm of the beautiful Pacific island. Now, as her patient was quickly recovering…both physically and mentally…she realized that when he left, she’d miss him.

Leia had been hiding, but when word got out that Bullard had been found…her past followed in the wake. She thought that five years was long enough to be forgotten. But she was wrong. What a great story. I’d been looking forward to reading Bullard’s story after the plane crash finally.

**Sensual content and language

Book 9: Bullards's Best

Dave Montgomery and Bullard have been friends for many years. Bullard saved his life. So Dave is thrilled that Bullard has found the love of his life…instead of mourning Ice, who everyone knew would never be Bullard’s woman. She was married to Levi and loved him. Bullard just needed the right woman to show him who he really needed. Now, they were all gathering on Leia’s island property for the wedding.

Katie has been cooking for Bullard’s functions for many years. She knew, admired, and wanted more with Dave after getting to know him so well. She gave him space in case he was still mourning the deaths of his wife and daughter so long ago. But now, with the two of them on the island early, she decided to make a move. Take a chance.

The island was a paradise of beauty and peace…almost. Someone was lurking in the shadows, and they weren’t just some curious islander. They had thought that the main concerns were over after dealing with the doctor after Leia and dealing with Bullard’s half-brother. Apparently not. A grand finale to this series.

The Mavericks Series
Book 1: Kerrick
Kerrick Cassidy was ready for something new in his life. Ever since his wife and baby died, he'd buried himself in the navy. But, his time there was done. When an old friend calls and offers him a new job...he accepts. In no time at all he finds himself in England searching for a kidnapped victim with an unknown team at his fingertips.

Dr. Amanda Berg was so close to finding a cure for cancer. She was up to the human trial stage. Her dream after losing a friend to cancer so young. Only...life changes when she's kidnapped. She has to escape the first chance she gets...and, she has to help another victim escape this hellhole.

And thus the adventure begins in this new series. Kerrick is joined by Griffin and together they'll do all they can to protect Amanda and the young boy she rescued, as well as getting to the bottom of this kidnapping ring. Another good series from this author.
**Sexual content and language
Book 2: Griffin
Griffin Tomas had just returned from his first mission with the Mavericks, along with his buddy Kerrick. Barely back from that mission and they want to send him out again. A kidnapping. He wasn't going to let some young woman get hurt...so he was off again. At least he had Jax along with him.

Lorelei James is a tutor for an eleven-year-old girl named Amelia Rose. When they head out to Thailand for a vacation, along with Mary, the old nurse, things turn bad for them all. Kidnapped in a strange land with a small hope that the note she gave to a housekeeper in the hotel gets them help.

Rescuing them isn't quite enough. There is a threat to the young girl and her father and Griffin and Jax need to know if it's a business associate...or someone closer to home. Especially since Griffin has a stake in keeping the lovely tutor safe and sound. Action-packed, page-turning romance.
**Sensual content and language
Book 3: Jax
Jax Darrum barely landed from his mission with Griffin when the call came in...it was time for his mission where he was lead. So, off he went. Meeting up with Beau, they headed to save a doctor. She was on a cruise that was taken over by pirates.

Dr. Abigail “Abby” Eleanor couldn't imagine someone going through taking over a cruise just to get to her. She wasn't anyone important. Yes, her work was successful, but still... Who wanted her bad enough to take over a cruise...and kill innocent people?

When the pieces start coming together, it's not pretty. An old enemy wants Abby in their sights...and they don't care who gets in the way of their plan. But, she wasn't going to let a child suffer no matter who was behind it. Another romance on the run as Jax and Abby get to know each other in the worst of situations.
**Sexual Content and language
Book 4: Beau
Beau Madison may be a big guy, but he's still stealthy. He'd just been on an op with the Mavericks to help Jax out with a kidnapping on a cruise ship...and now, it's time for his own op. Rescuing a kidnap victim that they believe would be heading into the sex trade if they didn't get to her in time.

Danika Lindstrom has been through hell and ended up in a hell pit to prove it. She went from walking to her college class a bit late to finding herself ruffed up, knocked out, and thrown in a dirt-floored pit. Luckily, she had more grit than the dirt floor and found a way to escape.

This was an action-packed story of suspense, rescue, and romance. But yet, it has the truth behind it of how aware of your surroundings you should be. Real-life is often stranger...and more dangerous than fiction. And this fiction story is a reminder of that, because the truth is there really are sick people out there who do evil things. Great story with an extra lesson in it.
**Sexual content and language
 Book 5: Asher
Asher Tromblay has been called out to head is own mission. He'd meet up with Ryker in Shanghai...and one other person. Like a ghost from his past, Mickey would be on his team. Apparently, she was taking care of the special needs adult twins that had been kidnapped. His mission just became a bit tougher.

Michaella “Mickey” Hunker was worried about her thirty-year-old charges. One was diabetic, the other had health issues too. She had to be with when they were found so she could calm them down. Help them with their medical needs. Even if it meant spending time with Asher.

Their suspect list keeps changing. The dead bodies keep piling up. And then...about the time they figure out who is behind the kidnapping...they could be in deeper trouble than they thought. I'm really enjoying the Mavericks series. Great characters and page-turning stories.
**Sexual content
Book 6: Ryker
Ryker Landers had been to China on a mission with Mavericks along with Asher. Now it's his turn to be in charge of a mission. The jungles of Columbia of all places. He was going there along with Miles to rescue a geologist and her team. Ryker knew there was a chance that they were already dead...and if not, between the two-legged and four-legged predators in the jungle, well...

Manila Folgers was excited about possibly finding platinum. So focused on rocks, she didn't think about the dangers around her. Until her and her team of two are captured and their two guides are nowhere to be found.

The guerrillas are one danger. The slithering snakes—both on the ground and in the trees—are another danger. And the only way to safety is through the jungle...where hidden dangers lurk everywhere. Another fast-paced, page-turning adventure with the Maverick team.
**Sexual content
Book 7: Miles
Miles Radford is heading back to his home country, England. It's his turn to head up his own op for the Mavericks. A model has been kidnapped, and it goes much deeper than just her. They have a serial kidnapper on their hands, and he's been at it way too long. Time to stop him for good.

Vanessa Redburn finds herself tied up, blindfolded, and well...kidnapped. From the bits and pieces she's getting from her abductor...it's not looking like a good ending for her. All she can do is hope that help is on the way.

The Mavericks are a secret US government ops team. Each man runs an op with the help of at least one other man. They can choose if they go on a mission or not...and if they want to continue. Good series. It does get into some ugly scenarios that sadly are happening in real life. Each of the men are finding more than a satisfaction with a job well done. They each seem to find their soulmate on the mission as well.
**Sexual content
Book 8: Nico
Nico Stratus was on a disturbing mission with Miles, but now it's his turn to head up a mission. An American abducted in Australian. Was it because of her undercover black ops brother...or her activist status? Keane, his partner on this op, and Nico are on their own on this hush-hush mission. Hopefully, they can find and rescue this woman before it's too late.

Charlotte Ankerby has no idea why she's been kidnapped. She didn't even want to come on this tour but was forced into it. The promoters set it up and then guilted her into coming. And now...she's been kidnapped and tied up...hoping help arrives soon.

It's been a tough mission as far as figuring out who is after Charlotte. If it's to do with someone in her past, her activism, or what. And until that clue is solved...she's in danger. Another page-turner for me and it wasn't an easy puzzle to solve as to who was behind it.
**Sexual content and language
Book 9: Keane
Keane Lytton is ready for his mission after being backup on Nico's. He's disappointed to find out that he, along with Lennox, will just be looking for the bodies of two women who supposedly fell overboard during a storm. Of course, nothing ever seems as easy as it seems.

Sandrine Coulter had woken up and found Brenda to be in bad shape. A head injury and out of it. With no way for a rescue that she could see. When it seemed hopeless, rescue came...but danger showed up as well.

A casual boat outing turned into a nightmare for Sandrine, and it didn't seem as if she'd wake up any time soon. Thankfully, she had Keane there to protect her every step of the dangerous way. The Mavericks Series has been enjoyable. A different take on SEALs after the navy with this unique secret group.
**Sexual content and language
 Book 10: Lennox

Lennox Cummerbund has landed in Germany to visit his sister...instead, he's pulled in to head up his own mission. Finding and rescuing his sister and her team that's been kidnapped. Not quite the visit he was planning on.

 Helena, a doctor working with her best friend, Carolina, ends up being kidnapped along with Carolina and two of the nurses they'd been working with on their missions. And it seems they were kidnapped so that that the bad guys could get to Lennox. Carolina's brother and a man that Helena couldn't seem to be near without arguments breaking out.

As Lennox and Gavin head down the trail to find the kidnapped team, they can't piece together who is behind it. Not to mention the sizzling energy between Lennox and Helena that everyone else can see...but not them. Yet. Or, they are just trying to ignore it as they have for some time now. Mavericks are a new government agency that gives its agents a lot of wiggle room.

**Sexual content and language

Book 11: Gavin

Gavin had just finished his first job with the Mavericks...and Lennox...and now it’s his turn to head up a mission. A family of four was kidnapped in Hawaii. His partner on this mission is Trent. They still have to work fast to find the older couple and their two adult daughters with not much to go on.

 Rosalina loves her work in the lab as a scientist at her parents’ company. Her sister is ten years older than her, and they’d never been close. But now, after being kidnapped and separated from their parents, they’ll need to work together to escape and then find their folks.

 The list of who could be behind this kidnapping is relatively long. Wealthy people are always targets. Gavin has his suspicions, but he has to keep an open mind. A fast-paced, page-turning story as they seemed to be thwarted on every path.

**Sexual content and language

Book 12: Shane

Shane Andrews is heading out for a new mission with the Mavericks. Some idiot was holding his childhood friend hostage and demanded that Shane be the one to show up to rescue her. So, along with Diesel, they head to New York City. They aren’t sure who their unseen enemy is, but they’ll find him.

 Shelly Berkshire has only been at her job for a short time. Her boss is dead now, and she has no idea what is going on...only that they seem to want Shane. And, just like he’s always done all her life, she knows he’ll come and get her.

 Things seem to go somewhat smoothly...until they don’t. Someone thinks this is a game, and they expect Shane to follow their rules. Not happening. He will win. Thankfully he has a unique team behind him, now that he’s part of the Mavericks. Great series.

Book 13: Diesel

Diesel Edwards had just finished his first mission for the Mavericks. It didn't take long before he was called out on one of his own. He'd be heading to China to find a kidnapped scientist from Boston. So, off he went.

 Eva Langston hated everything about her situation. She was stuck in a room with two other kidnapped victims. Trying to keep her spirit up...even though the others had given up. Would anyone even know she was missing? Come looking for her? She just didn't know.

 Nothing is ever easy with these missions. Not when the evil people in the world want what they want and don't like losing. But the Mavericks were good guys with many resources and they didn't give up. This series is fast-paced.

**Sexual content

Book 14: Jerricho

Jerricho Dante is sent out on a mission, along with Killian. The mission was a little personal. His ex-wife, who he hadn't been in contact since their divorce, has gone missing overseas. Even if they didn't survive marriage at such a young age...it wouldn't stop him from finding her. That was who he was, a man who would help those who needed it.

 Brenna had changed a lot. She had married young, divorced young. And then, when she was going to marry again...it turned ugly. She had to face who she was and make a change in her life. A big change. Working as a journalist, she traveled the world, never expecting to be kidnapped. And only one person came to mind who would be able to find her and rescue her. The man from the long ago past. Jerricho. But, would he even want to try?

 A fast-paced story that takes some unusual twists and turns before it slows down enough for this couple to stop and realize they still cared for each other.

**Sexual content

Book 15: Killian

Killian Nordstrom is heading up a Mavericks mission. Teamed with an old friend, they had out to find a woman who was not only kidnapped once but after escaping, she was kidnapped a second time. They have ransom money…but they don’t work that way.

Stacey Edgewater couldn’t believe her situation. Or how evil someone could be to kidnap someone who needed help. And she was pretty sure it was her evil husband behind at least the first one. How could she trust anyone else?

Due to injuries, they weren’t able to leave right away, but due to the danger…they had to get out of their hotel quickly. As always, a fast-paced read as the characters have to figure out who and where the bad guys are and try to stay ahead of them.

**Sexual content and language

Book 16: Hatch

Hatch Collar has his chance to run a team…and get the girl…as he heads to Egypt. An old friend from the navy is his partner on this one, Corbin. A father and daughter archeologist team has gone missing. Hatch had heard the daughter speak before, so he had a connection. Leads were slow in coming, but they’d find them. That had to.

Millicent “Millie” Bragner was disappointed in her father. Ever since her mother’s death ten years ago, her dad hits the bottle way too often. Sadly, when he does, his mouth takes over and he gets in trouble. Unfortunately, this time, she’s in trouble too. They’ve been taken prisoner, and she has no idea why. What’s worse, her captor told her things that would flip her world over if they were true.

There are eyes everywhere in an area where information is bought and sold, and no one wants to talk to strangers…Hatch and Corbin’s job won’t be easy, but that’s never stopped them before. Plus, they have the Mavericks network behind them. Another page-turning story.

**Mild sexual content and language

Book 17: Corbin

Corbin Wallace is sent to England as the lead on a case for the Mavericks. Women and children are being taken. The last woman was pregnant, and her father had hired them to find her.

Nellie Abrahms had distanced herself from her overprotective father. Now, she wishes she hadn’t been so rash that she would’ve allowed the security detail to watch over her. Who would rescue her? Did they even know she was missing? From her depressing surroundings and her bitter roommate, it didn’t look good for her.

Corbin and the partner Hatch had sent his way, Aiden, had to work fast. The lives of women and children were at stake. A fast-paced story. Romance is secondary in this series as they go on these missions to rescue and save lives.

**Sexual content and language
Book 18: Aiden

Aiden Bronte isn’t happy about his mission. But, of course, nothing is challenging about going to Vegas to see why some woman is accused of murdering her husband…and a few others. But, when he finds out it’s Mountain’s cousin, that changes things. And when he meets her, it really changes things.

Toby isn’t too broken up about her once friend turned boyfriend, turned maniac, then-husband, being dead. But being blamed for his death has her fired up. And she’s all alone in this battle. That is until her cousin shows up with another guy to help her fight.

A surprise ending as to who the villains are. Fast-paced suspense story that ends with a romantic turn. Mountain Bear Rode’s story is next, not as a Maverick but in a new series called Shadow Recon.

**Sexual content and language

Hathaway House Series
Book 1: Aaron
Aaron Hammond needed a change. He wasn't moving forward from his war injuries. After throwing a fit about getting transferred, he found himself at Hathaway House. A new rehab. Another chance at healing.

Dani Hathaway and her father had started Hathaway House after her father was injured in the military. A place to help men heal...and animals. Their veterinary clinic gave animals a second chance and it also helped encourage their human patients.

Aaron and Dani had known each other over a decade ago. His older brother, Levi, had been Dani's best friend. Now Dani has to keep secrets from Aaron—a man who'd been betrayed in a big way. This is more than a romance as Aaron needs not only to heal physically—but also emotionally.
**Language (minor language and one f-bomb)
 Book 2: Brock
Brock Gorman is frustrated. He's not healing. He's a man used to using his big mitts for working...not laying around on a bed. He has all kinds of preconceived ideas about his new therapist at the first meeting. He quickly finds out he was completely wrong by the second one.

Sidney Morning has just returned to Hathaway House after nine months of schooling. Her boyfriend decided to dump her at the start of school, so it's good to be home again. Around the people who are like family. Only, her first day doesn't go so well.

This series takes place at Hathaway House in Texas. A place started by a father and daughter to help injured military men. And a veterinary clinic downstairs. The men and animals help each other with healing. Since Dani, the owner, found love with a patient...the doors have opened up for more romance.
Book 3: Cole
Cole Muster was so excited to get to Hathaway House, only he thought he needed to catch up to Brock with his healing. Instead, it set him back and he almost lost his chance to be at Hathaway. Now that he has a second chance...he'll behave.

Sandra has been a nurse at Hathaway House for five years. She loves it here. Cole had hurt her with something he'd done the first time he was there. She'd be more careful around him this time and he'd have to prove she could trust him.

Hathaway House is a great place to heal. Lately, it's been a great place to find your soulmate too. Once Dani Hathaway broke the rules by falling for a patient...it opened the door for others. I'm really enjoying this series.
Book 4: Denton
Denton Hamilton has finally arrived at Hathaway House and he couldn't be more grateful. Someone has funded his way and he's not too proud to accept it. But he'll do the best he can to be worthy of that donor. With his friends Brock and Cole, he hopes to move forward.

Hannah has been working at Hathaway for a year now. She realizes, as she watches Denton with his friends, that she doesn't have any real friends. If something happened to her...she'd have no one to care.

Denton and Hannah are opposites but each has a quality the other person needs to learn. Loving this series.
Book 5: Elliot
Elliot Carver was finally at Hathaway House but he isn't improving, or so it feels that way. The nightmares seem as bad as before. Keeping him awake and too tired to work on his back to strengthen and heal it.

Sicily works the night shift. Usually, her patients mostly sleep, until Elliot. Spending so many nights with him being awake has created a bond. A bond she's never had with another patient.

These injured heroes really grab my heart and make for a page-turning book. I really enjoy this series.
Book 6: Finn
Finn MacGregor has been hesitant about going to Hathaway House. His friend Elliot has been urging him to come for some time. And Dani, who runs the center, is an old friend that would make room for him for sure. And she did, the minute he decided it was time to go to the next step in healing.

Fiona Smithers is relationship shy. Her last relationship didn't end too well and then, a misunderstanding with a patient at her work added to that. So, when Finn becomes one of her patients...and maybe more...the old memories come out to haunt her.

Hathaway House is a healing place for veterans and animals. Each helping the other heal in their own way. Life isn't easy for these wounded warriors. They have to work harder than ever to get ready to face life again. Great series!
Book 7: Gregory
Gregory Parkins isn't the man he was five years ago. Back then, he only thought of himself and he was whole. Now, as he sits with his body broken from war, all he can think about is the girl he left behind five years...and second chances. And he knows just where to go to try for that second chance.

Meredith Anderson is a nurse at Hathaway House. After reading about a new patient coming in...and how badly broken his body is...she's surprised to see who it is. A man from her past. A man she's never forgotten. A man she's never moved on from. Maybe with him here they can finally have closure.

Shane and the team aren't easy on these guys. The SEALs were the best of the best and they still have that in them, even though they don't believe it. They may hate the people who push them...but in the end, when they leave Hathaway House, they have their spirit...and their life back. I love this series!
Book 8: Heath
Heath Hankerson has been accepted to continue his healing at Hathaway House. He's not making much progress though. It doesn't help when you carry a load of guilt around. Even worse, when you can't get a decent night's sleep because of the nightmares from that guilt. And then, something amazing happens...for a short time. Maybe he was better off without it since it's worse with it gone.

Heidi Cisco has found solace for her hurting heart working at Hathaway House. For now, just being a night shift housekeeper gives her peace. Mopping the hallways in the early hours of the morning. Trying to clean her life like she cleans the building.

I loved how this story is told. The hero and heroine aren't sure who the other is for a while. I enjoy this series. It's about a place of hope for those who have been wounded in war. A healing place for both body and soul.
Book 9: Iain
Iain MacLeod was going to start over. No more class clown to hide his pain. He was going to start his new beginning at Hathaway House. At the VA hospital, he was told he was as good as he'd ever be. He didn't believe that...but once at Hathaway House, he allowed the doubts in. Especially since traveling by truck with his friend Bruce instead of by ambulance set him back.

Robin Carruthers noticed when Iain first came in. The pain in his face just getting out of a truck. She worked as a vet tech with Stan and in the few weeks she'd been at Hathaway House, she hadn't had a lot of contact with the recovering men and women. But seeing Iain that first time cemented into her what they must be going through.

I love this series. It's on the sweeter side and shows struggles that are probably very real in the folks who come home broken from war. And I hope there are really places like Hathaway House for our heroes.
Book 10: Jaden
Jaden Hancock couldn’t believe seeing the photos of how his friend Iain had improved since he'd been at Hathaway House. And now he was here too. Seeing Iain in person had Jaden aiming to reach those goals for himself, but healing was more than physical. He had to get his thoughts on the right path too.

Brianna Kole had been working as a nurse part-time at Hathaway House for about a month when she was offered full-time...and an apartment to live in onsite. It was a beautiful, healing place, even for those who worked there. She soon found she had as much healing to do as many of the patients here.

Everyone has their problems. Some you can see on the outside...others hide everything on the inside. As Jaden struggles with dealing with how he “looks” on the outside , and Brianna coping with her past on the inside...they find a friendship that quickly helps each of them in reaching their goals. I like Hathaway House characters and stories.
Book 11: Keith
Keith Carruthers is at Hathaway House, thanks to his sister, Robin. She works downstairs as a vet tech. He's cranky, depressed, and doesn't want to be there. He's given up.

Ilse is the chef and mostly hides out in the kitchen. Robin introduced her to her brother when he came in, but she didn't usually interact much with the patients. She wasn't used to seeing them when they came in battered on the inside and outside. So, when she sees the light under the door in Keith's room every morning, she starts the habit of bringing him coffee.

At Hathaway House, the patients are busy working to improve themselves while the workers are doing their best to make the stay the best they can. And when relationships happen...they are built not on the physical but genuinely getting to know the other person. And hopefully, giving hope to the patient. Wonderful series.
Book 12: Lance

Lance Mayfair thinks his friend Iain is pulling his leg. He's always been a jokester, and now he's sending him photos for his supposed rehab. It hardly looked like the same man. Even so, Lance goes ahead and fills the application out for Hathaway House with the hope that it is real and that maybe he can improve.

 Jessica Marlow is a nurse at Hathaway House. She loves her patients and seeing them improve. None of them have affected her like Lance, though. Too often, she finds herself wondering how his day is going or how he's doing.

 Lance had his good days and bad days, but thanks to a gift Jessica gave him...he starts to slowly see that he may have a future doing something he used to love. Now, it's up to him on moving forward for his healing...and more. I love this series.

Book 13: Melissa

Shane Roster has worked at Hathaway House for a long time now. And lately, after so many relationships this past year, he's thinking about his own relationship-less life. He loves his job working with the patients and seeing their progress, but it doesn't leave much time for dating.

Melissa Deverol has given up. She has come to Hathaway House because her good friend Dani has been asking her to come and give them a chance. She doesn't see how this pain will ever go away or that she'll ever walk well again. And that's her biggest obstacle to overcome...her own attitude.

I love the stories from Hathaway House. Stories of hurting heroes, many of who have given up hope. And the love and recovery they find under the tender care from the workers here. And then there is Stan and the vet clinic. Unique animals with issues of their own.

Book 14: Nash

Nash Covington was so ready to go to Hathaway House after his friend Cole had gone there. They'd made a difference in Cole and he just knew they'd help him. Plus, it was near all he knew...Dallas. He even hoped to reconnect with an ex-girlfriend...as a friend.

 Alicia loved her new job at Hathaway House as a nurse. She still felt like an outsider. Maybe because she lived in town instead of on the campus. What she didn't expect was her new patient...Nash.

 Nash and Alicia had been through a lot of changes in ten years. They were two different people. They were young when they dated. He wanted to go to the navy and she had her own path to follow. And now that those paths reconnected...could they find the spark that they had left behind now that they'd both been broken in body and soul? Love Hathaway House!

Book 15: Owen

Owen Powell has finally made it to Hathaway House. After his friend, Nash had told him to get an application in. Owen couldn’t believe his old VA roommate was looking so fit and with a beautiful woman beside him too, on the photo Nash sent.

Penelope “Penny” Abigail was the oddball in her family. Instead of spending their wealth on herself, she enjoyed playing the philanthropist and setting up charities to help other people and animals. One of her favorite projects was helping Hathaway House and the vet clinic connected to it.

Penny and Owen met on his first day there. Something about him had Penny stopping in more often to check on him. Owen enjoys her company, but he has to get past the handicaps in his mind as much as in his body. Penny had to get past her controlling parents and take control of her own life. One of my favorite series from this author.

Book 16: Percy

Percy Erwin didn’t believe his friend Aaron when he kept telling him about how excellent Hathaway House was. It was too good to all be true. But, now that he’s here, he finds it’s all true. And the people are so wonderful. Especially the beautiful Giada.

Giada Tiasco does the ordering for Hathaway House and loves working here. Dani has offered her one of the apartments on-site, but she lives with her brother in their family home for now. When he marries in six months, she’ll consider moving here.

The more Giada visits Percy, the more questions come to her about what she’s doing in her life, such as taking care of her brother, who’s an adult. Sometimes at Hathaway House, it’s not only the patients who need the healing. One of my favorite series.

Book 17: Quinton

Quinton Metzner had been one of the first patients in Hathaway House. Now, eight years later, she is back. She struggles with the weakness of having pain and feeling like she’s back where she began, especially since her brother is here and not a very happy camper.

Stan Herzog, the veterinarian, was happy to see Quinton. He’d fallen for her the first time he saw her and thought he’d lost his chance. He was busy starting the clinic eight years ago. She was busy healing. He hoped to make the best of the time he had now. And hoped that she felt the same way he did.

Love the Hathaway House series. A nice sweet series. The patients and employees at Hathaway are unique, and healing comes from all areas. Physical, mental, good food, etc. Loved seeing Stan find his happily-ever-after.


Book 18: Ryatt
Ryatt Metzner, Quinton’s brother, was getting a reputation at Hathaway House—which wasn’t good. He was downright cranky. When he was brought papers for the transfer, Ryatt claimed he’d wanted…it was a real wake-up call. He didn’t want to leave here. It really shook him when his sister had to come back for more therapy. He didn’t want to fail—or have Hathaway House fail him.
Lana was a pretty positive gal. Even with Ryatt. In fact, she saw the man who was hurting through the crabbiness. And soon, they became close friends. Yet, they both found out that they had a lot of fear in their lives.
Before they could move forward to see what they felt about each other, Ryatt and Lana had to deal with their own fears. Another sweet story in this series.
Book 19: Spencer
Spencer Newcomb’s friend and roommate, Timothy, was telling him about Hathaway House and to get signed up. They’d been friends long, and Timothy wanted to go there together. Spencer jumped on it after emailing a few friends who’d been through the program and was accepted. But, unfortunately, Timothy had procrastinated and would come later.

Bella Camden worked at Hathaway House full-time as the gardener/landscaper. She loved her work—making the paths safe and beautiful for the patients. She never got to know the patients well, but something about Spencer drew her to him.
I love this series. Romance, struggles of a genuine nature with these injured soldiers, and no sex or language in them.
Book 20: Timothy
Timothy Watkins wasn’t sure he’d be allowed to stay at Hathaway House. Issues with getting his stay passed through. It was, but by now, he’s all stressed out. He feared he’d have to leave, waiting for the word that it was over. So he worked hard. Too hard. Hurting himself rather than helping. Thankfully the staff wasn’t giving up on him.

Dr. Savannah Porter had been at Hathaway House for a while. Watching as many of her coworkers found love. She hadn’t. Yet. Something about Timothy pulled on her heartstrings, though.

Another heartwarming story from Hathaway House. Where healing begins and ends in love. Not to mention the beautiful animals housed in the clinic connected to it.
Book 21: Urban
Urban Chadwick wasn’t thinking much about his future, as it didn’t seem like he was getting anywhere. He could barely even sit up. The trip to Hathaway House was rough, but his life changed when Urban arrived. Not only was there hope he hadn’t had before…, but there was also a beautiful woman he had never expected.

Bettina felt something for the new patient that she hadn’t felt before. Some pull to him that had her stopping in more and checking on him. She knew his scars bothered him, but she barely noticed. She loved her job and patients, but Urban was noteworthy.

Another fantastic tale of healing and love at Hathaway House. I love this series.
Book 22: Victor

Victor Westridge, with the help of Nurse Gerry, finally filled out the paperwork after being accepted into Hathaway House. He couldn’t wait. Even Gerry had heard many good things about it and hoped to get a job there. As it was, her friend Dawn worked there, and Victor was happy to meet her.

Dawn was the pastry chef at Hathaway House and loved her job, the people she worked with…and the patients. It was an all-around great place. Gerry had told her a little about Victor, so she was happy to meet him. It seemed like she already knew him.

Love—and healing—is in the air at Hathaway House. One of my favorite sweet series.

Book 23: Wesley
Book 24: Xavier
Heroes for Hire Series
Book 1: Levi's Legend
Levi hasn't been the same since he was injured. Not quite the man he used to be, in his mind. But not having Ice as more than a business partner is starting to get to him. They've come to an invisible impasse and he needs to cross it. Or lose her.

Ice loves Levi but a woman can only take so much hanging on. It's time to make something happen—or leave. Of course, in their business of security, someone always seems to want payback and it's hard to straighten out your love life when the bullets keep flying.

From the SEALs of Honor series, Levi and Ice break away to start a security company. Hiring ex-military. Including those like Levi, Stone, and others who were injured and were no longer able to stay in active combat. And yet, these men have a lot more to give then just sitting behind a desk. Great characters and storyline.
**Sexual content and language
Book 2: Stone's Surrender
Stone Tollard loved working for Legendary Security, and with his old SEAL unit. What he hated was having to be on the sidelines when he was having issues. Like dealing with his stump healing and his prosthetic fitting right. But, for now, he was doing better and on a mission. A mission that was about to change his life. Again.

Lissa Brampton's rebelliousness really got her in a pickle this time. To defy her overbearing father, she took off as fast as she could to volunteer for another mission to help others. Only this trip didn't turn out so well. She was kidnapped.

The team is sent to rescue Lissa and bring her back to the States. Only...trouble seemed to follow them every step of the way. A page-turning story that's action-packed with love trying to fit in where it can.
**Sexual content
Book 3: Merk's Mistake
Merk Armand and his unit of former SEALs have lost trust since they were betrayed...and out of the navy from the injuries that caused. Thankfully Levi and Ice started Legendary Security so Merk and his brother SEALs can still do the work they know best and help people with their skills. He just didn't expect his ex-wife to be one of those needing help.

Katina Marshal was in trouble. Only one person came to mind when she needed someone to trust...Merk, her ex-husband. She hadn't seen him in years and didn't even know what he did. But somehow, she knew he was her only hope.

Legendary Security is starting to look a lot like Mason's group that they called the Keepers. It seemed like one after the other of their men were finding that one special woman who was worth keeping. Who could accept them for who they were and the work they did.
**Sexual content and language
Set of Books 1-3
Book 4: Rhodes' Reward
Rhodes Gorman is one of the men who originally came to Legendary Security with Levi and Ice. He loves working there. But now, his friend's little sister is working there too so Rhodes is doing his best to keep away. When he first met her, she was too young and her brother warned him off. Now...well, she's all grown up and beautiful.

Sienna Bentley seems to be a trouble magnet. Ice had found her sitting under a tree on the side of the road. Pure luck that she ended up here among people who know her brother, who is also a SEAL. And then there is Rhodes. Her brother's friend she never forgot. She never planned on going on any type of mission, but here she is...on a mission and alone with Rhodes.

Levi's team had been betrayed and injured because of it. Trust doesn't come easily. And now, this mission Rhodes and Sienna are on has them not knowing who to trust. Even though they are in the States. In Texas. It's hard to tell friends from enemies.
**Sexual content
Book 5: Flynn's Firecracker
Flynn Kilpatrick had felt he'd done the right thing as a SEAL, but being he disobeyed orders...he was booted out. After a year of wandering, he's hoping to get on full-time with Levi's company, Legendary Security. But it looks to him like his bad luck has followed him and he's not sure where his future will be.

Anne Burrows has a small animal shelter. And a fairly boring life...until she gets a bodyguard. She enjoyed having the muscular man around to help with the animals but it was lonely when he left. And now, he's back...but has brought some type of trouble with him.

Their story begins in book three, Merk's Mistake, where Anne's friend Katina is in trouble and they send Flynn to protect Anne until the men after her friend are caught. Even in that book, it hints at the fireworks between these two. Anne's temper and Flynn loving to ignite it. Another good story.
**Sexual content
Book 6: Logan's Light
Logan Redding and Harrison are sent to Boston just for a hands-off look at some places that may be involved in human trafficking. They find more than what they expected and soon…it’s a hands-on mission.

Alina Chambers is ready to give up. She’s tied up and sees no way of escape now that her captor has left her alone for the first time. When new voices come into the apartment…she has no idea if life is about to get much worse or not. It could be more guys like her captor, thieves, or who knows. Luckily for her, it was a hero.

This is another really good story, but it’s tough thinking of the reality of human trafficking. That it’s something that really is happening here on American soil.
**Sexual content and language
Set of Books 4-6
Book 7: Harrison's Heart
Harrison Hamilton was thrilled to be sent on a mission to the West Coast. The compound was turning into the love boat. Everywhere he turned...was a couple. And he was single. So going away was perfect. And what a job it ended up being!

Zoe Branson had to disappear. And she had to figure out what had happened at her parents' house before she could move on. Not that she could move on. She carried too much anger for the injustice she'd lived through and failure to save her friend.

Great suspense along with the romance as they search for the bad guys but there's more than one trail to follow. And Zoe isn't off the hook for what's happened as someone wants her to look guilty. Great story.
**Sexual content and language
Book 8: Saul's Sweetheart
Saul Kreschner is heading back to San Diego with three other guys to find Daniel, a SEAL's brother, while Benji is on a mission. Sure enough, Daniel is missing but it turns into a much bigger case when they find out another woman is missing too.

Rebel Matheson has been watching Daniel's apartment in hopes of finding out what happened to her best friend, Tammy. When four really big men show up, she figures it can't be good. Ends up to be very good when the men believe her and add Tammy to their search for Daniel.

The bigger they are...the harder they fall. In this case, in love. And of course, the women are just loving their heroes.
**Sexual content and language
Book 9: Dakota's Delight
Dakota Languor is fairly new to the Legendary family. In the few months he's been here, it's become home. So many of the them are finding their mates—even his best friend, Saul, who he came to Texas with. Dakota would like a family, but isn't in a hurry.

Bailey Hoskins hasn't been living since her husband died. A part of her died with him. And then—she saw something she wasn't supposed to and now someone is trying to kill her. Funny, but having someone trying to kill her has made her want to live.

The compound they live in is filled with interesting men and women. Ex-military folks who have found a new home and purpose...Legendary Security. Great story and characters.
**Sexual content
Set of Books 7-9
Michael's Mercy  **Sleeper SEALs Book 3**
Michael Hampton retired from the military a year ago and is happy on his ranch. Alone. Levi, someone he knew from SEALs, has approached him often, asking to join his security company. But he's out for good. Until he gets a call of a murdered friend who was undercover.

Mercy Romano is determined to find out what happened to her sister. Even if she hasn't seen her for years, she refuses to let someone get away with murder. She replaces her sister as a maid at a huge estate—and quickly finds it'll be harder than she thought to get answers.

Michael doesn't need a woman to worry about while undercover. But Mercy is stubborn and refuses to give up her mission. Great series with characters the reader has met in earlier books showing up to help in the other stories.
**Sensual content and language
Book 10: Tyson's Treasure
Tyson Morgan has just joined Legendary Security, along with his friends Michael and Jace. After a few days there, his late-wife's friend came by to help train them. For some reason, Kai thought she had to be extra tough on Tyson.

Kai had cared for Tyson before her friend married him. After two years, she hoped maybe he'd be ready to move on. Maybe even with her. Only her life is a bit of a mess right now. Some stalker has been texting her. Even with her company's tech genius'...they can't track the stalker down.

When Levi finds out about Kai's stalker...they come to her aid. Especially Tyson. He's determined to stay by her side—day and night—until the threat against her is over. This story is full of action and the author kept me guessing through the whole story on who could be behind things. Excellent story.
**Sexual content
Book 11: Jace's Jewel
Jace Colley is fairly new to Legendary Security—and the only single man left on the team. The way things have been going—that status may change soon. In fact, when the smoky-voiced woman walks in—he's a goner already.

Emily Leacock works for an insurance company. When three men die and they all have life insurance policies—and a past that involves her—she goes for help. And what a hunk she ends up with to help her.

Great story. The author did a fantastic job of leading the story down one path and then headed down another with twists and turns. As always, a real page-turner.
**Sexual content
Book 12: Rory's Rose
Rory Bellamy isn't sure where he belongs right now. The ranch he grew up on and helped run the last nine months...isn't home anymore. It's more his dad and brother's place. And now...Legendary Security's big building doesn't seem like home either. Until a chubby puppy waddles up to him. Maybe this place wouldn't be so bad.

Louise is a busy veterinarian. The past five years she's been getting her clinic going and hasn't had much time for socializing. Life might not be overexciting away from work...but she loves what she does. And then everything changed and life became very different when she got a delivery meant for someone else. Thank goodness for Levi and Ice and their security business to help her through this.

Cute puppies, bad...very bad, people, and romance come together to make another great, action-packed adventure for the folks connected to Legendary.
**Sexual content

Book 13: Brandon's Bliss
Brandon Horton is new to Legendary Security. After only his third day, he's sent out on a mission—to Africa. A good friend to his new bosses...and a man known to many here...has gone missing. He's ready to get to work. And meeting the woman who called in about her missing boss won't be a hardship either.

Kasha Lowry has been working for Bullard for five years. She loves working for him and the money is great...great enough that she has options for her life. She's ready to go back to the States. She just isn't sure what she wants to do. Ice has offered her a place at Legendary and with a man like Brandon there, she's considering it.

Once again some of the team members head out for an action-packed adventure. In the small towns where money is scarce and violence is high—even the best of men can be forced to do things against their will. And die for it. There is romance, but it comes in second to the mission.
**Sensual content
Book 14: Liam's Lily
Liam O'Brien has been at Legendary Security for about a week when he and North are sent on assignment. He thought he'd be traveling to exotic places for jobs—not two hours down the road and still in Texas. Although, an elephant sanctuary could end up being exotic.

Lilianna Howell's life had changed so much in two years. Her brother died in a fire, she lost her dad, mentally...not physically, after Keith's death. And then her twin sister did the unimaginable, most selfish thing ever... And now, someone is sabotaging the sanctuary and its donations. She never could've imagined how her life would change just by telling a family friend she needed help.

I really enjoyed this story. Action, suspense, who-done-it, and of course...romance. And so real life as to how things can happen right under your nose but if you aren't looking for it...you never see it.
**Sexual content
Book 15: North's Nikki
North Dockter is heading to England to help out a friend of Levi's. They'd barely landed before they were warned to behave by M16. Seems some other SEALs had previously been to England and caused a ruckus. North loved working for Levi and with guys like Ander. And helping out Charles and is fiery granddaughter is a plus too.

Nikki Beckwith had just gone to check on an order at her work's warehouse when all heck broke out. Warned to get out of the warehouse by a couple tough guys, but not before she saw something unusual in a crate. Granddad called in a favor, bringing two tougher guys from America to find out what was happening and to protect her.

Somehow Ice seems to know when to send the right employee of Legendary Security on just the right job. Meaning...the right job where he just happens to meet that special lady that will complete him.
**Sexual content
Book 16: Ander's Angel
Anders Renau just finished a job with his buddy North. And of course, North found the love of his life. Now Anders is heading to Switzerland to head up a job. And of all things, it's to rescue a package...a live and kicking female. One that he might have a past with.

Angelica Winthrop loves her job. Up on the mountaintops getting data on glaciers. Working with her team and staying in the small cabins. It's all part of the job. Until blizzards and whiteouts happen and they get stuck inside. Or...if they get shot at. Seems her no-good father has once again done something to tick someone off and put her in the middle.

Great story that takes some twists and turns. The series always has great main and secondary characters. This book introduces two new team members, Reyes and Dezi, along with Anders and Harrison. And Ice seems to know exactly what team member to send on what mission as she is hitting one-hundred percent on her silent matchmaking.
**Sexual content
Book 17: Reyes's Raina
Reyes Drere is heading home for the first time in two years. After his fiancée had cheated on him...he left and never looked back. He was traveling with Ice to look at plants for around the pool area...and his family had a garden center. Should be an easy enough trip.

Raina Woodcroft was the quiet one. Her twin sister, Reana, was always louder, prettier, more noticed. She always went after what she wanted...like Reyes. Whereas, Raina held back and lost out. But now he's back for a visit and it's good to see her old friend.

Looking at plants wasn't as easy as planned. Not when Reyes ends up in the middle of a murder investigation. Another good story in the Heroes for Hire series.
**Sexual content and language
Book 18: Dezi's Diamond
Dezi Arnold wouldn't mind finding a woman like his teammates at Legendary Security. Seems all of them had such great women, how could there be any left? But somehow, Ice seemed to be playing matchmaker as she sent the guys out on missions—and they returned home in love. Maybe it would happen to him.

Diamond Liechester knew about making expensive, beautiful jewelry. She didn't know about security beyond codes for her vaults and passwords on her computer. She soon found out that life was more ruthless than she could ever guess. Thankfully her friends, Levi and Ice, sent out some guys to help her out.

In the world of someone has money and we want it...Diamond falls into the category of having it. Dezi has to remember he's on a mission to protect her...and a serious mission it is. Another page-turning suspense romance with plenty of possible villains.
**Sexual content and language
Vince's Vixen
Vince Manoj is ready to go on a mission. So, when a call comes in from a man who believes his daughter has gone missing...Vince is ready. Ignoring Levi and Stone as they teased it was his turn to find his soulmate.

Vanessa Blanchard is mad. She wakes up bound and gagged in a ship that isn't their research vessel. Three of her team is with her, but her friend is missing. It had to be poachers...those nasty men that kill the beautiful sea turtles and steal the eggs for the fun of it...or pirates. Locked in the bottom of an old boat...things aren't looking too bright. But she's not one to sit back and quit.

The islanders aren't too helpful when the men arrive, but Legendary Security has friends all over. The kind of friends who can help with sailboats and weapons and whatever is needed in a short time. Vince has his mind on the mission...no time to realize that something more was happening when he meets the feisty scientist. Another page-turner that kept my attention from beginning to end.
**Sexual content
Ice's Icing
Icelite “Ice” Danning. Helicopter pilot. Viking warrior. Tough. She's all of that and more. But when it comes to getting married...she seems to be more of a coward. Not quite pinning down the day. She loves Levi with all her heart. She's thrilled to be engaged. So what's with her not taking that last step?

Levi and Ice have been partners for a long time. Fighting side by side and knowing each other so well, they can predict the next move during battle. But why won't she choose a wedding date?

Secrets are happening around Legendary Security. And more. They are under attack. Their own home base. But this group of warriors isn't going to stand around twiddling their thumbs. No way. They will take the fight to the people who are after them. More surprises are to come for this couple...and they'll be up for it. A unique addition to the Heroes for Hire Series.
Johan's Joy
Johan Kotton was hoping for a job while staying at Levi and Ice's compound. Normally he worked for Bullard in Africa. When a possible drug smuggling gig comes in, Johan and Galen, also from Bullard's group, jump into it.

Joyce “Joy” Baxter has moved from Boston to Houston. Better weather and away from the burnout she experienced as an ER nurse. When she calls her friend Kai about some drugs missing from her inventory...dangerous knock-out drugs, her life changes. Not only the dangerous people who don't want to be found out...but also from the man sent from Legendary Security to help find the thieves.
**Sexual content and language
Book 22: Galen's Gemma
Galen Alrick had worked for Bullard but has since returned to the US, and now works for Levi and Ice. After a job with Johan, he's sent to Germany. What started out as a murder turned into a could be kidnapping. You never know where these jobs take you...or who they take you to.

Gemma has been watching over her sister, Rebecca, since their parents died. After Rebecca's husband is murdered, Gemma just wants to get her sister and niece to safety. Not easy with someone like Rebecca. Still, whining and complaining all the way...she took them to safety.

As the story unfolds, it's not what Gemma, Galen, or Zack...the man Galen came to backup...expected. Gemma's priority became to protect Becky, her young niece.
**Sexual content and language
Book 23: Zack's Zest

Zack Higgins wasn't too sure that Legendary Security would take him on. The last mission he was on, his emotions were involved. Zack didn't feel he did his best. But, they've accepted him, and he's on a mission to Turkey, with an old friend, Bonaparte.

Zadie Nather's parents are on house arrest. She came back for her mother's sake...and what a mistake. First, she was on house arrest with them...and now she's been kidnapped. Thanks to her father's bad choices.

Zack and Bonaparte are sent in to rescue Zadie. What should be an easy job gets a little more complicated. But hey, they are well-trained to handle whatever is thrown at them. As with most of the books in this series, this is a page-turning, action story with a side of romance.

**Sexual content and language

Book 24: Bonaparte's Belle

Bonaparte Gasparde was at Levi's compound, maybe envying all the couples a bit. He'd been married and had two kids...but it hadn't lasted. He wouldn't mind a second chance. Instead, Levi sent him to Colorado to help out a friend of his who was in trouble.

Sheriff Angela Zimmerman was tall for a woman at six-foot, but the man that Levi sent to act as her deputy was even taller at six-seven. She was having trouble with a couple of brothers who came to her small town and were causing a ruckus...only she had no proof yet. They'd scare her deputies and left her without any. Thus, the need for Levi to send Bonaparte.

For a small town...there was big trouble. A couple of guys with money were making trouble and putting fear into the people. And they were a couple of slippery criminals. Fast-past, page-turning story.

**Sensual content and language

Book 25: Noah's Nemesis

Noah Wilkerson moved back to the US and is now working out of Levi and Ice’s compound. While there, they received a call from a friend who was in Houston for a conference, she’d been injured by someone out for revenge against Levi. Only one thing to do, Noah offered to go get her and protect her while she was here.

Dianne “Di” was thinking about moving closer to her friends here in Houston from Australia. After being sliced by a knife and some revenge crazy man after her, she wondered if this is where she wanted to be. On the other hand, she gained a shadow to protect her.

Who knows what magic is happening at Legendary Security, but it seems whatever man goes out on a job…he comes back with the woman of his dreams. Even if he didn’t realize he was dreaming of such a woman.

**Sensual content and language

Book 26: Tomas's Trials

Tomas was happy to get a callback from Legendary Security. They’d contacted him once before, but it didn’t work out at that time. Now he’s been called to help locally and see if working for them was a good fit. First, he had to go undercover into a cultish atmosphere to help out a woman already on the inside.

Amber’s friend Annette had died in this cult, and she’d been too late to help her out. So now, she wasn’t leaving until she helped every woman who wanted to escape. She had help on the outside, and a few guys joined her on the inside. Now, if everything went as planned, they’d all escape with their lives.

What seemed to be a simple mission for Amber to try and help her friend, turns more serious than she had ever imagined. Evil, immoral people were in control. Thank goodness for Levi’s help. Page-turner for sure.

**Slightly sexual situation and language

Book 27: Carson's Choice

When Levi and Ice send him on a case, Carson Duggan doesn’t realize what he’s in for. Especially when they add that it’s “his turn.” He knows that everyone at Legendary Security has found a mate, but that doesn’t mean he will. The job is to determine if someone is trying to murder an eighty-two-year-old woman.

Eva isn’t sure that her grandmother is in danger. The police haven’t found anything, and the threats are pretty generic. But, it’s the only family she has, so she agrees to have Carson stay with them for one week. As an artist, she hates being disturbed.

Greed is usually behind cases like this. Carson has seen it all too often. And so he’s off to dig into their past to find the culprit…if there is one. Another page-turner.

**Sensual content and language

Book 28: Dante's Decision
Dante Langston isn’t sure what he wants to do now that he’s out of the Navy. So when Levi calls about doing a job for him, he accepts. But, unfortunately, it wasn’t until he’d accepted that Levi told him where he was going. To Billings, where he used to live, where his wife and daughter were murdered, and it was never solved.

Deborah Thompson thinks she’s going crazy, as if she’s being watched. Followed. Ever since she was falsely accused of a crime three years ago and was warned to leave and not fight, things haven’t been right. So she asks her friend Tesla for help. And boy…did she get it.
Another fast-moving story.
**Mild sexual content and language

Book 29: Steve's Solace

Steve Franklin met with Levi at the perfect time. He was put on a job immediately, dealing with an old friend of Steve’s that he’d lost contact with years ago. But unfortunately, her father turned out to be a bad cop, and someone kidnapped her and tried to kill her. So Steve and Reyes headed to California to find out what was happening.

Opal was having nightmares and didn’t think they’d ever stop. But she relaxed when her old friend Steve showed up to work on the case. Opal was even able to get some sleep. Now they just had to find the kidnappers so she could continue her life.

It’s hard to know who can be trusted on this case; even those close to Opal seem suspicious. A page-turning story!

**Mild sexual content and language ********************
SEALs of Honor Series

Book 1: Mason
Lieutenant Mason Callister was on a mission as a SEAL. Rescue a woman from her kidnappers, return her to safety, and go on to the next mission. Simple. Should have been but not with this particular woman. The enemy wanted her and wasn't giving up easily. Well, they were SEALs and they wouldn't be giving up either.

Tesla Landers was a geek. She wasn't a woman to be trekking through the wilds of Mexico. Running from kidnappers. Fighting for her life and the lives of her rescuers. Only she found herself doing just that. She was not going to give up or give in.

As always, Dale Mayer has written a story that pulls you in and has you turning pages until the end. I loved the story and the characters and I'm looking forward to read Hawk, Dane, Swede, Shadow, and Cooper's stories. It is action-packed with romance trying to bloom while on the run...dodging bullets and bullies.
**Sensual content and language
Book 2: Hawk
Hawk Loring had five days off and he was going to spend some quality time with his sister in hometown. Just rest and relax in the nice quiet town. Right. Looked like there was no rest for the weary on this trip. That quiet hometown looked like a very unfamiliar place the minute he got there...and it only went from bad to worst.

Mia hated the caves. That's why she was there practicing for search and rescue missions...to face her fear and be at the ready if someone was lost in them. She was glad to get back into the fresh air above ground until she read her messages. Things were definitely more peaceful in the caves.

The SEAL team is back. Mason from the first book, Hawk, Swede, Dane, Shadow, and Cooper. Six men who are on a team together but are also like brothers. When Hawk called to say there was trouble in his hometown...the team, who had a few days' break, stepped up beside him. I really enjoyed both books and I'm looking forward to the next one.
**Sexual content and language
Book 3: Dane
Dane Carter is rather envious of two of his fellow SEALs...they found love. Women who are tough enough to know their men have a job to do...and willing to let them do it. He thought he wanted that too. Maybe. Right now he had a mission to focus on, finding a man involved in terrorism. And the woman they find might be guilty...or could she be as innocent as she seems?

Marielle Stanfield has become a workaholic. Work and taking care of her mom. Her only family left and she was losing her to dementia. When an old professor friend of hers offers her some holiday time in a house in Germany...she grabs the chance to visit with him and relax. Well, that didn't work out so well...at all.

Another action-packed story in this series. These guys are tough and can get the job done. But when the right woman enters their life...they become teddy bears, very protective teddy bears. If you are looking for a great read that has action and romance, this is a great series. The first book is Mason and the second is Hawk.
**Sexual content and language
Books 1-3 Set
Book 4: Swede
Swede Dome had been watching as three of his SEAL brothers found true happiness. None of them thought they'd find the right woman with the type of job they held. They'd been wrong. Having long tired of the meaningless encounters with women, Swede hoped to find the right gal. Or maybe he already knew who it was. It was who her brother was that was an issue.

Eva Loring, Hawk's sister, had always had an attraction to the huge man, Swede. But she also saw his lifestyle. Not the danger of being a SEAL but the women. The last time he visited he had two women with him. Now that she's in Mexico on a horse rescue, she's finding she needs Swede to rescue her. In more than one way.

Loving this SEALs series. These big tough men are brought to their knees when they find the women who make their knees weak. And nothing like having their woman in trouble to bring out the warrior. These books are full of constant motion and suspense with a big helping of romance on the run.
**Sexual content and language
Book 5: Shadow
James Morrow, known as Shadow to his friends, lives up to that name—he lives in the shadows. Alone. He's content with his life just as it is. He's happy for his friends who have been finding the perfect women as partners. And then he goes on the mission that changes everything.

Arianna Stephenson planned on a long weekend at her grandfather's cabin. She wanted to show her young brother the things she enjoyed there as a girl. Instead, they were being held hostage. Just when things were looking pretty hopeless...a SEAL came to her rescue.

I've really enjoyed this story. Every book is another mission with the characters the reader has met in previous books. Mason, Hawk, Dane, and Swede have all found women who are tough enough to stick with them. These stories are full of action and love has to be found while on the move.
**Sexual content and language
 Book 6: Cooper
Cooper Braxton is finally healed up and ready for action with his SEAL team. Especially when he finds out what the mission is. To rescue some missing American doctors who were taken from a refugee camp. One of the doctors missing had patched him up and pushed him to heal. He owed her.

Dr. Sasha Childs had signed up for three months at this camp, she only had a few days left. Suddenly she finds herself attacked and a hostage. One of her colleague, an older doctor, was in bad condition. This wasn't looking good for any of them. Would help come in time?

Another adventure with the SEAL team from the previous five books, plus a few new men. The author keeps the story moving along at a fast pace and manages to throw romance in between the running, rescuing, and fighting. Great series.
**Sexual content and language
Books 4-6 Set
Book 7: Markus
Markus Donner loved his job. Especially since it took him out of his lonely existence at home. He had known happiness in marriage and went through all the levels of grief after she died. Now he could work hard at his job. Or in this case, they were headed for training in Alaska. Only it ended up being much more.

Bree Henderson had faced death. She was ready for it but beat it so now she grabbed life by the horns and enjoyed every moment. She was traveling the country and had only been in Alaska a few weeks when she got more excitement than she ever needed in a lifetime. She also met the most wonderful, sexy, kind man ever.

I absolutely loved the personality of Bree. She is celebrating her life and is so humorous. And parts when Markus and Bree get going at each other—while a team member is listening—is hilarious. Like the other books in this series they are in danger but Dale Mayer just added some laugh-out-loud moments in this one that really add to the story.
**Sexual content and language
Book 8: Evan
Evan Wilson is on the Keepers SEALs unit. Yup, everyone on this team has seemed to find that special woman who is a keeper. Maybe it's his turn. A woman from his past has just moved to the base. Three years ago he was a different man. He's hoping the man he is now can is someone she'll want to keep.

Megan Hemmingway fears she can never love. After breaking it off with her fiance, she took the chance to start over and move to the base in California. Maybe she was just moving closer to the man she spent one unforgettable weekend with.

They'll just have to wait and see if they are meant to be together. After Ice and Megan, the co-pilot on the helicopter, rescue the SEAL team from a mission gone bad—things get worse. Four men are injured and now someone is out to kill Megan. Great series. Every story is action-packed and keeps you turning the pages.
**Sexual content and language
Book 9: Mason's Wish
Mason and Tesla have been together for some months now. Mason is finally back from a mission and they can spend a special first Christmas together as a couple.

Of course, nothing happens easily for these SEALs and their women. Just when it seems they can have a nice quiet Christmas—the outside world intrudes once again. And it's included messing with Tesla! Which of course sends Mason and the guys on the warpath.

Another heart-pounding, turn-turning story in the lives of these SEALs and what they'll do to protect their women—including their friend's woman.
**Sensual content and language
Book 10: Chase
Chase Buchanan had left his past behind a decade ago. After returning home from a mission—he finds that his past has caught up to him. And it's not a good thing. What is good is that now he has his unit—his SEAL brothers, to help him.

Vanessa Roman was an immigrant and she enjoys her job of helping others to adjust to a new start in America. She's really excited when she can reunite a young boy trying to adjust to the man who had rescued him back in his homeland.

Chase never meant to bring his team or anyone else into his troubles but he did. Now he not only has the problem of fixing his past—but he also has a woman and two young boys to protect as well.
**Sexual content and language
Books 7-10 Set
Book 11: Brett
Brett Chapman was on a mission. Pirates had taken over a yacht. When a cabin door opens for him to enter...he finds someone from his past inside. One mission accomplished but an unexpected one starts up.

Ceci was just going to have a nice break from life, a vacation on a yacht with her two young children. Somehow things go from bad to worse. Thank goodness, Brett is there to protect them. Unfortunately, it brings memories of her past decisions gone wrong.

The men on this SEAL team keep finding women they want to keep. Mostly after they have rescued them from danger. I like how many of the characters from the previous books are included in each story. And this book had a couple new unique characters. Great series.
**Sensual content and language
Book 12: Devlin
Book 13: Easton
Books 11-13 Set
Book 14: Ryder
Ryder Lewis had lost his best friend two years ago after a weekend that had changed their friendship—and his life. She had walked out without a word. Two years later she's back. But not with him.

Caitlyn made a huge error a few years ago. She left without talking things out. Now, she's missing her best friend. Being overseas as a military nurse is way out of her comfort zone, but the men need to be helped and she needs to be helping. And maybe...she'll have a chance to see Ryder and finally talk to him again.

A SEALs life is not easy and they are often in danger. It's enough to be watching out for the enemy without having a woman who was once your best friend in the danger zone as well.
**Sexual content
Book 15: Macklin
Macklin Princeton's last relationship was so bad, that he's pretty much given up on dating for a few years now. A wacko woman who stalks you can do that to a man. But when the new detective picks him up for questioning...he rethinks the whole relationship thing. Although, when you're a murder suspect...it's kind of hard to date the detective.

Detective Alex Carson has been on the job for a month. Now she has a murder and several break-ins to solve while trying to prove herself as the right person for the job. And not everyone in her department is being helpful. Let alone having such a hunk as Macklin being a prime suspect when she'd much rather get to know him in other circumstances.
A great who-done-it and why storyline.
**Sensual content
Book 16: Corey
Corey Handleman was stunned when he met an old flame for coffee. She was as beautiful as she'd been twelve years ago. His first love. When she suddenly leaves before their food even arrives—he feels rejected. Again. Somehow, he had missed all the warning signs that she might've been in danger—as he finds out a few days later that she's missing.

Angela Buffalo never thought her life could get so bad. Somehow in seven years, she'd slowly become a prisoner in her own home. And then she found out what her husband was really like. Unfortunately, he was controlling and wasn't going to let go very easily.

A great storyline. What starts as an old friend helping Angela out, turns into a full-blown case. A case that needs to be worked quickly and quietly as lives were at stake.
**Sensual content 
Books 14-16 Set
Book 17: Warrick
Warrick Canton has watched almost all of his friends find their soul mates. He had been staying out of relationships himself. Since the breakup of his long-term relationship, he stepped back to decide what he really wanted.

Penny Thornton had the temper to go with her red hair and the big, handsome hunk who couldn't seem to fill his medical forms out correctly had that temper on high. Until her life turned into a nightmare of life and death—then she couldn't be happier to have the hunk as her protector.

The SEALs are falling by the boatload—falling in love, that is. And with a little help from Telsa and Mason...Warrick might just be the next one to fall out of the boat into the sea of love...once Penny can stop worrying about a gunman on the loose.
**Sexual content and language
 Book 18: Tanner
Tanner McGrath had watched his friend Warrick, and many SEALs before that who were connected to Mason, fall in love. He wasn't looking, not really. But when he ends up rescuing his instructor during a paragliding practice...he finds out what those men before him did...sometimes love just falls into place when you're not even looking.

Wynn Ryder had given up competition a few years ago when her brother was hurt. She enjoyed teaching at the school. When something goes wrong, she's mighty glad for the handsome SEAL who was able to come to her rescue.

But, was it an accident? Just like the other incidences in Wynn's life lately that add up to something more serious. Someone is trying to hurt her. Maybe even kill her. Who better to have around than a Navy SEAL? Great story. Kept me turning the page and wondering who the culprit was.
**Sexual content
Book 19: Jackson
Jackson Pearson was just driving back from a training session. He had time off and offered to drive one of the rigs. It broke down on the way back and everything went downhill from that. Well, maybe not meeting the tiny tornado who stopped to help him.

Dahlia “Deli” Montgomery loved being a mechanic. For now, it was working in the navy garage at Coronado. She went through all the training like everyone in the military, but her choice was a wrench over a gun. Fighting an engine...not an enemy.

People are getting hurt and dying around Jackson and Deli, and he's afraid they may be next on the hit list. Besides his SEAL brothers, he's not sure who the friendlies are or who are enemies. Definitely a puzzle that needs solving and fast! Another fast action story, not to mention the continuing...she's a keeper...theme that started with Mason.
**Sexual content and language
Book 20: Kanen
Kanen Larson was out on a training op with Nelson and Taylor. When an old friend calls and she's in trouble...the three of them head out to England. Kanen plans on finding out what's going on and he has plans on dealing out some violence of his own to the man who dared to hurt Laysa.

Laysa Elliott had loved her husband, Blake. Kanen had been his best friend and hers. As things start unfolding, it brings up questions of how well she really knew her husband. Now she was just thankful to have such a protector as Kanen and his friends.

Another great suspense romance with another “keeper” in the end.
**Sexual content
Book 21: Nelson
Nelson Brown just returned from a mission to the UK. He had to be back for training. One of the speakers wanted to meet with him ahead of time. He remembered her from another conference but didn't know her. And he didn't realize he knew her brother...until that meeting. He was missing and the woman wanted Nelson's help in finding him.

Elizabeth Etchings just lost her father eight weeks earlier, and now, the only family she had left was missing. Chris wouldn't just walk away from the navy like NCIS figured he did. He was in trouble and she wouldn't give up on him until she found out what was going on.

Off to Mexico Nelson and Taylor go to search for his friend Skunk. NCIS is giving them four days to find an answer. Nelson doesn't expect it when Elizabeth sits down in the bar with them. Now, they have to look for her brother, avoid the local “mafia” types, and watch out for a woman they didn't plan on. And then, there's that “keepers” thing with anyone connected to Mason. Another SEAL adventure with suspense, action, and romance.
**Sexual content and language
Book 22: Taylor
Taylor Robinson just arrived home from a mission and wanted to rest. But, it seemed that wasn't going to be happening. When his cute little neighbor lets him know his door was open...it opened a whole other door. Bodies started dropping all around them and he had to work to find out why before Midge became one of them.

Midge Holloway had noticed her handsome neighbor but she was too busy coming and going...as was he. An open door was finally the chance to meet him. And it ends up it was a good thing, because she sure needed a SEAL on her side.

Another great addition to this series with nonstop action as they try to figure out why people are being murdered and how they are connected. And of course, as a romance is trying to bloom when they aren't finding another dead body.
**Sexual content and language
Book 23: Colton
Colton Edgewood is sent to Greenland to help with training. It should have been a simple trip. Go. Train. Finish. Head to Africa for the next training stint. Instead, he finds himself in the middle of a possible sabotage, murder, and being around the woman who never left his mind from one night four years ago.

Kate Winnows is a navy pilot. Four years ago, she wasn't ready to settle down. Now...she just needs to find the right guy and she's more than ready. He has to understand that with her job she travels. A lot. But after this trip to Greenland...everything changes.

Not everything about this trip is bad. Colton gets to watch over Kate...no hardship there. They just need to figure out who the target is, if indeed what's happened was intentional and not an accident. Another fast-paced, page-turning story in this series.
**Sexual content and language
Book 24: Troy
Troy Landry is headed for a mission on an oil rig with a team of SEALs. Mason was with as the SOS had come from a friend of Tesla's. There had been an explosion, and sabotage was suspected. It ended up a lot worse things were happening on that rig.

Berkley Milford worked at different places with her job. She'd been on this oil rig before, but this time was different. Berkley had promised her friend that she'd find out answers to things that were happening there. So she stayed on when most everyone else left...hoping her SOS would be heard.

An excellent story, but some very dark, evil things were happening on this oil rig, and it couldn't be blamed on anything but humans. Page-turning suspense...and as always, a touch of romance.
**Sensual content and language
Book 25: Axel

Axel Salisbury is a Navy SEAL. When he's sent with a team to find out about a distress signal from a submarine, what they find isn't good. It's more than just the sub ending up on the bottom of the sea after a test run. It's murder.

 Dr. Ally Minga can't believe after all she's been through, being shot three times...one of those shots having done quite a bit of damage to her leg...now she's suspected of being behind everything. Luckily, she has someone who believes her and is going to find out the truth.

 The magic matchmaking that started with Mason and Tesla in book one of this series has been continuing...including seeping over to Levi's Legendary Security...a friend of theirs.

**Sexual contact and language

Book 26: Baylor

Baylor Clement is sent on a mission to find a governor and his wife and daughter. He finds something on their sinking yacht that seems to point to the daughter knowing him, but he doesn't remember her. Until he meets her again.

Gizella, in her hurry to write a note for help, thinks of the one SEAL she knows of. Chances are slim that he can help her, but she writes his name down anyway. And then she's really surprised when he actually shows up to try and rescue them. Small world.

 Not knowing why they've been kidnapped or where they are, Gizella and her parents find themselves on some type of boat. Baylor is being hassled by Mason before this mission. Mason and everyone connected to him has found their soulmate, and his LT thinks it's his turn now. Never say never...

Book 27: Hudson

Hudson Knoeppel has been watching his SEAL brothers fall, one after the other. Fall in love, that is. So now that they have some downtime, he decides to visit an old friend. Mason encouraged him to see if there was more between them. The thing is, it’s the sister to the woman he’d loved and lost.

Avery is so happy to see Hudson. However, their visit started with quite a bang, literally. His hotel exploded right as they met in the lobby. So now, she can enjoy watching him and his incredible mind as he can’t help but try to figure out what happened even if he is supposed to be on vacation.

The fear of losing a special friendship had stopped these two before. But maybe they can move on from the past and find a future. After they figure out what’s going on with the bombing first.

**Sexual content and language

Book 28: Lachlan

Lachlan MacGavin was sent with a few other teammates to Germany. A dangerous group was kidnapping, demanding ransoms from banks, and killing when refused. It was supposed to be a computer training course, but it turned in to more. Jonas from M16 was there since two of the incidents happened in England.

Leah Ketridge’s life changed in an instant. She went to pick up the SEALs from the airport, and the next thing, they were being attacked. Her job as an analyst must have her on the right track to find answers to the bank kidnappings and murders she was looking into.

Lachlan and Leah weren’t going to fall for Mason and Tesla’s matchmaking scheme. And they were being kept busy enough not to think about it. But when all is said and done, and the case solved…their friends might have succeeded after all.

This is an ongoing series, but each book stands alone. It adds to the story to know who some characters are, like in book one with Mason and Tesla.

**Minor sexual content and language

Book 29: Paxton

Paxton Fuller wants to get cleared to go back to work and then transferred to Mason’s team. He feels he’s been healthy and ready for a long time. He just hadn’t been okayed by his physical therapist. So, Mason sent him to talk to a paper-pusher named Cherise to get things settled. While there, he made a call that changed everything—as he heard gunshots while talking to his PT guy.

Cherise worried about the man who ran out of her office to check on Wesley Western after hearing gunshots. Her world explodes after that. Men were murdered, her home broken into, and someone out to hurt or kill her. Thankfully Paxton stayed by her side as they tried to get to the bottom of things.

This was page-turning, as always, and a unique storyline.

**Sexual content and language

Book 30: Bronson

Bronson Manchester loved to go diving, which is what brought him to Mexico with some of his navy team for training. So he didn’t expect to find a dead body in an old shipwreck or to stay to help the dead man’s sister. And no way was he leaving her alone when it became clear she may be in danger.

Robin Rancher had come to Mexico to help her brother, Jason. After his wife’s death, he’d fallen into drugs, drinking, and not caring about himself. Now that he’s been murdered, she wants answers. But, unfortunately, in a little, close-knit village like this…answers were hard to come by.

Jason had ticked off many people in this town. Bronson just needed to keep Robin safe until they returned to the States. Another page-turner in this series.

**Mild sexual content and language

Book 31: Hale

Hale Rodney has been handpicked for a mission. They are after an American bomber who hates Americans and sells his bombs to the enemy. A man who has been on the loose for too many decades already. Hale plans on making sure this is the end of his terrorism.

Marsha McConaughey is burned out from hunting down the bad guys. But she won’t leave her job until she finishes her work by stopping the Ghost. The one who has gotten away time and time again. The one who has the deaths of almost a hundred and fifty men on his hands. She has to finish this.

After arriving in Canada, it doesn’t take long for Hale to see he needs to take over this mission. Hopefully, he can think more like the Ghost and figure out his moves.

A real page-turner, as this killer is highly trained and hard to catch.

**Mild sexual content and language

SEALs of Steel Series
Book 1: Badger
Badger Horley had nothing more to live for than finding out what happened to his unit when they were on a simple mission. His drive for vengeance had him ignoring his own body and the healing it needed. He would finish his mission...one way or another.

Dr. Kat Greenwald saw many patients and wanted to help all of them to the best of her abilities. But Badger...well, there was something special about him and she just had to find a way to get through to him to finish his surgeries so she could fit him with a prosthetic that wouldn't cause him so much pain.

When Badger and some of his former team find out that Kat's been getting threatening letters...he veers from his mission to help her. It doesn't distract him for long. Now, he has his mission and Kat to protect. Meanwhile, he'll have to let his former team pick up the baton and go on the next leg of the journey to find out who betrayed them.
**Sexual content and language
Book 2: Erick
Erick Fuller has taken on the task of finding out who betrayed their SEAL unit two years ago while Badger, his friend and former team leader, stays back and takes the time to fully recover. With a few other men from their unit, he heads overseas. Back to the scene. The last person he would expect to find over there...is the woman who hit his car a year ago.

Honey Lewis was so excited to be at the dental conference. Thankfully there had been a last-minute opening. The expense was higher, was she was hungry for more knowledge. She was surprised to see the man whose car she hit a year ago. Didn't realize how good-looking he was. Or how much trouble knowing him could get her into.

Far from home and not knowing who is a friend—or who is enemy—the characters find themselves knee-deep in trouble. Erick was just doing some simple reconnaissance and Honey was just at a conference. Or so they thought. As the reader meets each of the SEALs who had been injured in the “accident” two years ago, the mystery continues in each story.
**Sexual content
 Book 3: Cade
Cade Terence is in charge of the next leg of their mission. Along with Laszlo and Talon, they head to Norway to find out if their latest theory could be right. It's too unreal to imagine to be true...but it looks like it might be. As if their team hasn't been through enough the past two years, now they have to deal with something even more sinister.

Faith Halladay got a call that her best friend is dying. At least one good thing is that as a commercial airline pilot, she can fly free. The last person she'd ever imagine meeting in a Norway hospital is the handsome guy she shared a cab with. Only, as Faith finds out, it's not a good time to know him.

The mystery continues. The guys have a few more clues...but more questions than answers. And they are finding out how dangerous it is for anyone to have a connection to them. Really good series. The romances are completed in the books...the mystery is not.
**Sexual content
Book 4: Talon
Talon Lore has the baton now for the next part of the investigation into who blew up their truck when they were on a mission and who is killing their friends and family since then. It's time to face his old flame and the twin sister to his best friend. To tell her that Chad is dead because of him.

Clary Witcher's life hasn't been easy the last year. Her divorce and then losing her twin brother. And now...the one man she never really got over is back. She's older and wiser now. Independent instead of clingy—like she was when they were together before. But, after eight years, she finds that her heart never got over him.

Where these men from the SEAL team go...trouble follows. Whoever it is that hates them—hates them big time. And whoever he is, he's not slowing down. As each man finds his soul mate in this series, the next single man takes up the lead on the mission to search out the next clues. The romance is complete in each book...the mystery, however, continues.
**Sexual content
Book 5: Laszlo
Laszlo Jensen's turn to take the lead on the search for who is behind the accident their SEALs unit was involved in two years ago. Also, who is killing—or in his father's case—attempting to murder their friends and family. So off to Texas he goes with another team member, Geir. Time to find out more of about Mouse. The youngest member of their team who died in the accident.

Minx Montgomery was Mouse's best friend. He was her protector in the world they grew up in. Only, these men who have come to find out about him are finding out more than she knew. It's starting to seem confusing that the boy she knew, is the same man they had known.

These books contain romances that are completed in each story...but the mystery of who is behind the murders continues.
**Sexual content and language
Book 6: Geir
Geir Pavla takes up the search for whoever betrayed his SEAL unit...killing their youngest member. His friend Jager comes out of the dark to join him in San Diego. It seems every time the team members have gone is search of answers, they get close, and then get turned down a new road. Geir is hoping to find their answers and get closure so they can all move forward.

Morning Blossom loves her life. She runs a B&B and has plenty of time for her main passion...painting. She's always been trusting, leaving her front door open for her guests to come on in. Only now, the two handsome hunks staying with her brought along more than luggage. They brought trouble to her doorstep...and beyond.

After a land mine blows up the vehicle these men were in, they all have lost a lot. Body parts, organs, and two years of their lives. Back on their feet...somewhat, the seven surviving team members realize it was no accident. And neither is the losses of their family and friends. I can't wait for the next book...Jager's story and I assume the end of the mystery. Great series.
**Sexual content
Book 7: Jager
Jager Elstad is the last single man standing from his SEAL team. So he heads off to Colorado alone. His parents' had died there in an accident and he needed to find out if...like so many others connected to their team...it was truly an accident. Or murder.

Officer Allison Monroe had stayed in Vail, Colorado after her husband died. It just felt like if she left...she'd be leaving him behind. Now, she was questioning more as she fought being under the command of a man who would rather stand behind his wife-beating friend than his officers.

Jager and Allison didn't expect their lives to change so drastically. But, once they met, it set something into motion that just couldn't be stopped. Still, there was a killer out there and Badger's SEAL team and the women they loved wouldn't be safe until the killer was stopped. Wonderful series that was a complete romance in each book, but a mystery that was continued.
**Sexual content and language
Book 8: The Final Reveal
This book is written from Badger and Kat's point of view. They were the first couple in this series. Kat is extremely talented when it comes to creating a unique prosthetic. Badger and his unit go to Kat, as they have all lost at least one limb.

Kat has been living in Badger's awesome house for some time. She loves Badger...and his house. And that it has a pool is an extra bonus. It's also a great place for the six other men and their women to come on the weekend for barbecues and swimming.

As they sit and unwind from all that has happened over the past six weeks...Kat puts an idea she's had into motion. She wants to marry Badger and knows he'll never want to tie her down to him because of his continued medical issues. So, she's going to plan a wedding and surprise him. Great story. I had happy tears running down my face at the end.